1st Edition

Acting Chinese An Intermediate-Advanced Course in Discourse and Behavioral Culture 行为汉语

    310 Pages 55 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    310 Pages 55 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Acting Chinese is a year-long course that, together with the companion website, integrates language learning with the acquisition of cultural knowledge, and treats culture as an integral part of human behavior and communication.

    Using modern day examples of Chinese discourse and behavioral culture, it trains students to perform in culturally appropriate fashion, whilst developing a systematic awareness and knowledge about Chinese philosophy, values and belief systems that will prepare them for further advanced study of Chinese language and culture. Each lesson contains simulated real-life communication scenarios that aim to provide a concrete opportunity to see how native speakers generally communicate or behave in social situations.

    An essential guide for intermediate to advanced level second language learners, Acting Chinese provides a unique and modern approach to the acquisition of both cultural knowledge and language proficiency.


    Teacher's guide 教材使用指南

    List of abbreviations and symbols

    List of characters in communication scenarios

    Unit one

    Cultural perspective: group mentality 群体意识

    • Lesson one

    Text: 一起吃饭是缘分

    Behavior highlighted: love to be part of the fun 爱凑热闹

    • Lesson two

    Text: 人多力量大

    Behavior highlighted: follow the pack 从众行为

    • Lesson three

    Text: 人人都是一个"角色"

    Behavior highlighted: relation-based conduct 关系本位

    Unit two

    Cultural perspective: the concept of li 礼的观念

    • Lesson four

    Text: 礼多人不怪

    Behavior highlighted: li-based civilities 礼俗客套

    • Lesson five

    Text: 中国人到底有没有礼貌?

    Behavior highlighted: humble oneself and exalt others 自谦敬人

    Unit three

    Cultural perspective: harmony orientation 贵和思想

    • Lesson six

    Text: 礼之用,和为贵

    Behavior highlighted: harmony as priority 以和为贵

    • Lesson seven

    Text: 忍字头上一把刀

    Behavior highlighted: forbear and forgive 忍字当头

    • Lesson eight

    Text: 保持中道

    Behavior highlighted: (take) the middle road 中庸之道

    Unit four

    Cultural perspective: face psychology 面子心理

    • Lesson nine

    Text: 面子??打开中国人性格之锁

    Behavior highlighted: saving face 保全面子

    • Lesson ten

    Text: 伤什么也不能伤面子

    Behavior highlighted: face work 面子运作

    Unit five

    Cultural perspective: rules of renqing 人情法则

    • Lesson eleven

    Text: 来而不往非礼也

    Behavior highlighted: reciprocation 礼尚往来

    • Lesson twelve

    Text: 多个朋友多条路

    Behavior highlighted: networking 建立人脉

    Unit six

    Cultural perspective: differentiated mode of association 差序格局

    • Lesson thirteen

    Text: 看不懂的中国人(一)

    Behavior highlighted: distinguish people based on relationships 亲疏有别

    • Lesson fourteen

    Text: 看不懂的中国人(二)

    Behavior highlighted: distinction between the upper and lower status 上下有别

    Appendixes: reflection worksheet for cultural exploration 文化探索

    Traditional Chinese character texts 課文繁體字版


    Pinyin-English vocabulary

    English-Chinese vocabulary

    Speech pattern index by lesson


    Yanfang Tang, Kunshan Carolyn Lee, Li Xu, Jin Zhang, Peng Yu