4th Edition

Learning to Teach in the Primary School

Edited By Teresa Cremin, Cathy Burnett Copyright 2018
    610 Pages 26 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    How do you become an effective primary school teacher? What do you need to be able to do? What do you need to know?

    Flexible, effective and creative primary school teachers require subject knowledge, an understanding of their pupils and how they learn, a range of strategies for managing behaviour and organising environments for learning, and the ability to respond to dynamic classroom situations.

    The fourth edition of this bestselling textbook has been fully updated with the latest research and initiatives in the field, as well as the most recent changes to the National Curriculum across the UK. Twenty four new authors have contributed, sharing their expertise and experience as practitioners. Ten brand new units have been included on:

    • Becoming a professional in the current context
    • Building inclusive communities of engaged learners
    • Understanding schools’ aims and enacting your own
    • Teaching for social justice
    • Reading
    • Grammar and punctuation
    • Mastery in mathematics
    • The value of outdoor learning
    • Primary education in a digital age

    A selection of extra tasks have been woven throughout, with an emphasis on innovative, reflective practice, and new ‘vivid examples’ bring each chapter’s argument to life in a classroom context. In addition, each chapter contains M-level tasks and further reading to assist with research assignments, and differences in the National Curriculum and policy in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are highlighted.

    Providing a comprehensive but accessible introduction to teaching and learning in the primary school, covering everything a trainee needs to know in order to gain QTS, this accessible and engaging textbook is essential reading for all students training to be primary school teachers.

    This textbook is supported by a free companion website with additional resources for instructors and students (www.routledge.com/cw/Cremin) and an accompanying series of books on Teaching Creatively across the curriculum.

    Introduction Teresa Cremin and Cathy Burnett  Section 1: Becoming a Teacher  1.1. Primary teaching: a personal perspective Colin Richards  1.2. Becoming a professional in the current context Sam Twiselton and Janet Goepel  1.3. Making the most of your placements Jane Warwick and Mary Ann Wolpert  Section 2: Exploring the Nature of Learning and Teaching  2.1. Looking at children Jane Payler and Mary Scanlan  2.2. Looking at learning David Wray  6. From learning to teaching David Wray  2.3. Moving from novice towards expert teacher Samantha Twiselton and Sally Elton Chalcraft  2.4. Building on firm foundations: Early years practice Janet Rose, Sue Rogers and Elizabeth Carruthers  2.5. The importance of play and explorative learning Bernadette Duffy and Jo Trowsdale  Section 3: Planning and Managing Learning  3.1. Building inclusive communities of engaged learners Alison Peacock  3.2. Approaching Short-term planning Jane Medwell  3.3. Organising your classroom for learning Peter Kelly  3.4. Managing classroom behaviour Roland Chaplain  3.5. Handling difficulties in social, emotional and behaviour development Janice Wearmouth  3.6. Organising effective classroom talk Lyn Dawes  3.7. The value of outdoor learning Stephen Pickering  Section 4: Approaches to the Curriculum  4.1. Investigating the aims, values and purposes of primary education: the case of the Cambridge Primary Review Liz Chamberlain and Roger Macdonald  4.2. Aims into practice: Understanding schools’ aims and enacting your own Jo Evans and Emese Hall  4.3. Critical perspectives on the curriculum Dominic Wyse and Ayshea Craig  Section 5: Assessment  5.1 Assessment for learning: Formative approaches Eleanore Hargreaves, Caroline Gipps and Alison Pickering  5.2 Assessment for learning: Summative approaches Kathy Hall and Kieron Sheehy  Section 6: Diversity and Inclusion  6.1 Providing for differentiation Eve Bearne and Rebecca Kennedy  6.2 Special educational needs and inclusion Noel Purdy and Adam Boddison  6.3 Teaching for social justice: Creating equity for pupils living in poverty and those from black minority ethnic backgrounds Hanneke Jones and Heather Smith  6.4 Responding to cultural diversity and citizenship Pam Copeland and Des Bowden  6.5 Responding to linguistic diversity Virginia Bower  6.6 Responding to gender differences Elaine Millard, Louise Wheatcroft and Eve Bearne  Section 7: Recent Developments  7.1 Engaging with pupils: Listening to the voices of children and young people Carol Robinson  7.2 Reading: marrying word recognition with comprehension and pleasure David Waugh and Angela Gill  7.3 The creative and the critical: Grammar and punctuation Debra Myhill  7.4 Creativity and creative teaching and learning Teresa Cremin and Jonathan Barnes  7.5 Thinking skills Robert Fisher  7.6 Understanding mastery in primary mathematics Mark Boylan and Vivian Townsend  7.7 Primary education in a digital age John Potter  Section 8: Partnership in Practice  8.1 Working with teaching assistants Jenny Houssart and Andreas Kyriakides  8.2 Partnerships with parents John Ryan and Stephen Griffin  8.3 Understanding the teacher’s pastoral role Helen Childerhouse  Section 9: Your Professional Development  9.1 Applying for jobs and preparing for your induction year Jane Medwell  9.2 Understanding and planning your continuing professional development Alison Fox  9.3 Research and professional development: using research and enquiry to develop as a teacher Cathy Burnett


    Teresa Cremin is Professor of Education (Literacy) at The Open University, UK. A former primary teacher and teacher educator, she has served as President of the UK Reading Association and the UKLA, and Board member of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust, BookTrust and the Poetry Archive. She has led and contributed to a number of projects on creativity and on teachers’ literate identities and practices and has published widely in these areas (https://researchrichpedagogies.org/research/).

    Cathy Burnett is Professor of Literacy and Education at Sheffield Hallam University, UK where she leads the Language and Literacy Education Research Group. She worked for many years as a primary teacher and teacher educator and is currently Vice President for the UKLA. She has published widely for professional and academic readerships and has led and contributed to research projects associated with literacy, digital media, teacher identities, and uses of new technologies in classrooms.

    "There is a reason why this book is now in its fourth edition - it is a classic. The work of the editors and authors responding to new research, new policies and new practices, over the many years of the book’s life, is one of its many outstanding features. And for this edition the renewed emphasis on critical analysis is most welcome. Not only is this book invaluable for trainee teachers but policy makers could well find food for thought as well."

    - Dominic Wyse, Professor of Early Childhood & Primary Education, University College London

    "Unquestionably, teaching in the primary school is a messy, complex, demanding business. For anyone starting out in the classroom, this book is an easily accessible guide to the challenges you may face, offering both theoretical rationales and practical advice to help."

    - Megan Dixon, Director of Literacy for the Aspire Educational Trust

    "A welcome new edition of this outstanding, comprehensive book that should be a core reader for anyone embarking on primary teacher training. It will become the 'go-to text' for trainees across all routes into teaching. A highly accessible, interactive book written by highly qualified teacher educators who are experts in their field."

    - Jane Warwick, Primary PGCE Course Manager, University of Cambridge

    "This 4th edition is a contemporary and extremely relevant resource for prospective and qualified primary teachers alike. The wide range of established authors provides a detailed discussion and focussed insight into the complexities of being a primary teacher. The child as an individual and a reflective approach to the curriculum are valued as key components of effective learning and teaching. This is a must-read for all professional practitioners."

    - Jenny Carpenter, Director of Partnerships, York St John University