1st Edition

Primate Behavior and Human Origins

By Glenn King Copyright 2016

    This comprehensive introduction demonstrates the theoretical perspectives and concepts that are applied to primate behavior, and explores the relevance of non-human primates to understanding human behavior. Using a streamlined and student-friendly taxonomic framework, King provides a thorough overview of the primate order. The chapters cover common features and diversity, and touch on ecology, sociality, life history, and cognition. Text boxes are included throughout the discussion featuring additional topics and more sophisticated taxonomy. The book contains a wealth of illustrations, and further resources to support teaching and learning are available via a companion website. Written in an engaging and approachable style, this is an invaluable resource for students of primate behavior as well as human evolution.


    1. The Primates: Meet Your Relatives

    2. The Study of Primate Behavior

    3. Primate Ecology and Behavior: Common Features

    4. The Strepsirrhine Suborder

    5. The Lorisiform Infraorder: Strepsirrhines in the Dark

    6. Lorisiform Variation: Leapers and Creepers

    7. The Lemuriform Infraorder: Island Refuge

    8. Lemuriform Variation: The Night Life

    9. Lemuriform Variation in the Light of Day

    10. The Tarsioid Suborder: Common Features and Variation

    11. The Anthropoid Suborder: Monkeys and Apes

    12. The Platyrrhine Infraorder: New World Monkeys

    13. Platyrrhine Variation: Atelids and Pitheciids

    14. Platyrrhine Variation: Cebids

    15. Cebines: Squirrel Monkeys and Capuchins

    16. The Catarrhine Infraorder: Old World Monkeys and Apes

    17. The Cercopithecoid Superfamily: Old World Monkeys

    18. Cercopithecoid Variation: Leaf Eaters and Cheek Pouchers

    19. A Cercopithecine Tribe: the Guenons

    20. A Cercopithecine Tribe: the Papionins

    21. Genus Papio: the Real Baboons

    22. The Hominoid Superfamily: Apes Small and Large

    23. Great Apes of Asia: Orangutans

    24. Great Apes of Africa: Gorillas

    25. Great Apes of Africa: Common Chimpanzees

    26. Bonobos: Lightweight Chimpanzees

    27. Human Origins: the Last Common Ancestor

    28. Early Hominin Evolution: the Australopiths

    29. Our Evolutionary Heritage: The Primate in Us

    30. Primate Conservation: Will Any Be Left?


    Glenn E. King is Professor Emeritus in the Department of History and Anthropology at Monmouth University, USA.

    "King has produced a much needed, up to date, and highly readable undergraduate text. His lively and engaging book is a terrific introduction to the natural history of primates."

    - W. Scott McGraw, Ohio State University

    "This book is an excellent introduction for undergraduate students. The key steps of human evolution emerge against a background of adaptations observed in non-human primate societies. The book is comprehensive and up-to-date. It is easy to read thanks to the original and enjoyable writing style of the author. Recommended!"

    - Giuseppe Donati, Oxford Brookes University

    "Most importantly, the book is written in a cogent manner. Overall, it illustrates how humans understand the characteristics of non-human primates. Unlike other volumes that comprise chapters written by multiple authors, this volume benefits from a single voice and vision. Summing Up: Recommended."

    - L. K. Sheeran, Central Washington University in CHOICE