Matthew L N  Wilkinson Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Matthew L N Wilkinson

Research Fellow in Islam in Education & Law, Centre of Islamic Studies
School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London

I specialise in philosophy of religion-in-education with a focus on Islam and curriculum theory with a focus on history, citizenship and religious education. I worked closely with Professor Roy Bhaskar, the founder of the philosophy of Critical Realism, until his death in November 2014 developing an original educational philosophy called Islamic Critical Realism designed to help young people of faith to flourish in multi-faith contexts.


I specialise in philosophy of religion-in-education with a focus on Islam and curriculum theory with a focus on history, citizenship and religious education.

I worked closely with Professor Roy Bhaskar, the founder of the philosophy of Critical Realism, until his death in November 2014 developing an original educational philosophy called Islamic Critical Realism designed to help young people of faith to flourish in multi-faith contexts. This philosophy and educational theory has been published in my book, 'A Fresh Look at Islam in a Multi-faith World: a philosophy for success through education'.

Before working in higher education, I taught History and Islamic Studies in schools of different types for 20 years during which time I set up a Qur'an school and pioneered the use of drama to help children explore themes in Islamic theology.


    PhD from King's College London in 2011



Featured Title
 Featured Title - A Fresh Look at Islam: Wilkinson - 1st Edition book cover


Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1-22.

The concept of the absent curriculum: the case of the Muslim contribution...

Published: Jul 04, 2014 by Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1-22.
Authors: Dr Matthew L N Wilkinson
Subjects: Education, History

The paper outlines three components of the absent curriculum: the null curriculum at the level of national curricular policy, the unselected curriculum at the level of school curricular planning and the unenacted curriculum at the classroom level of teacher delivery. The paper concludes that the absent curriculum is a hidden curriculum that suggests to groups whose histories are missing from the national curricula that they are relatively insignificant citizens in the community of the nation.

The Curriculum Journal, 25 (3), 396-431

Helping Muslim boys succeed: the case for history education.

Published: Jun 01, 2014 by The Curriculum Journal, 25 (3), 396-431
Authors: Dr Matthew L N Wilkinson
Subjects: Education

British Muslim boys would appear to have become increasingly alienated in the humanities subjects. This mixed-methods study of secondary school British Muslim boys in their compulsory school history provides evidence which interrupts this narrative of the academic under-achievement in the humanities subjects. It suggests how history can be more effectively harnessed by teachers and policy-planners to encourage internal integration and external social engagement in British Muslim pupils.

Primary History Journal, No. 65, Autumn 2013

Including the Muslim Contribution in the National Curriculum for History.

Published: Nov 28, 2013 by Primary History Journal, No. 65, Autumn 2013
Authors: Dr Matthew L N Wilkinson
Subjects: Education, History

History education has a key role to play in creating the informed, critical attachment of young people to the nation and in creating the feeling that young people belong to and can participate in national life. Therefore it is essential that the true socio-cultural breadth of important historical events is represented in the curriculum and taught in the classroom.

Journal of Critical Realism

Introducing Islamic Critical Realism: a philosophy for underlabouring...

Published: Oct 01, 2013 by Journal of Critical Realism
Authors: Dr Matthew L N Wilkinson
Subjects: Philosophy, Education, Religion

This article makes the case for a contemporary philosophy of Islam to help Muslims surmount the challenges of post-modernity and to transcend the hiatuses and obstacles that Muslims face in their interaction and relationships with non-Muslims. This approach is called Islamic critical realism.


Dr Matthew L N Wilkinson on 'A Fresh Look at Islam in a Multi Faith World'

Published: May 11, 2015

Here, Dr. Matthew Wilkinson talks about his recent book, 'A Fresh Look at Islam in a Multi Faith World'.