1st Edition

The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Education

Edited By Michael Apple, Wayne Au, Luis Armando Gandin Copyright 2009
    516 Pages
    by Routledge

    512 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Education is the first authoritative reference work to provide an international analysis of the relationship between power, knowledge, education, and schooling. Rather than focusing solely on questions of how we teach efficiently and effectively, contributors to this volume push further to also think critically about education's relationship to economic, political, and cultural power. The various sections of this book integrate into their analyses the conceptual, political, pedagogic, and practical histories, tensions, and resources that have established critical education as one of the most vital and growing movements within the field of education, including topics such as:

    • social movements and pedagogic work
    • critical research methods for critical education
    • the politics of practice and the recreation of theory
    • the freirian legacy.

    With a comprehensive introduction by Michael W. Apple, Wayne Au, and Luis Armando Gandin, along with thirty-five newly-commissioned pieces by some of the most prestigious education scholars in the world, this Handbook provides the definitive statement on the state of critical education and on its possibilities for the future.

    List of Illustrations


    Part I: Introduction

    1.  Mapping Critical Education, Michael W. Apple, Wayne Au & Luis Armando Gandin

    Part II: Social Contexts and Social Structures

    2.  The World Bank, the IMF, and International Education, Susan Robertson & Roger Dale

    3.  Movement and Stasis in the Neoliberal Re-Orientation of Schooling, Cameron McCarthy, Viviana Pitton, Soochul Kim & David Monje

    4.  Corporatization and the Control of Schools, Kenneth Saltman

    5.  The Trojan Horse of Curricular Contents, Jurjo Torres SantomĂ© (translated by Eduardo Cavieres)

    Part III: Redistribution, Recognition, and Differential Power

    6.  Rethinking Reproduction: Neo-Marxism and Critical Education Theory, Wayne Au & Michael W. Apple

    7.  The Reign of Capital: A Pedagogy and Praxis of Class Struggle, Valerie Scatamburlo-D'Annibale & Peter McLaren

    8.  Race Still Matters: Critical Race Theory in Education, Gloria Ladson-Billings

    9.  Pale/ontology: The Status of Whiteness in Education, Zeus Leonardo

    10.  What Was Poststructural Feminism in Education?, Julie McLeod

    11.  Safe Schools, Sexualities, and Critical Education, Lisa W. Loutzenheiser & Shannon D. M. Moore

    12.  Masculinities and Education, Marcus Weaver-Hightower

    13.  The Inclusion Paradox: The Cultural Politics of Difference, Roger Slee

    14.  Red Pedagogy: Indigenous Theories of Redistribution (a.k.a. Sovereignty), Sandy Grande

    15.  Foucault's Challenges to Critical Theory in Education, Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer (translated by Lisa Gertum Becker)

    Part IV: The Freirian Legacy

    16.  Fighting With the Text: Contextualizing and Recontextualizing Freire's Critical Pedagogy, Wayne Au

    17.  Un/Taming Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Gustavo Fischman

    18.  What Type of Revolution Are We Rehearsing For? Boal's Theater of the Oppressed, Ricardo D. Rosa

    19.  Against All Odds: Implementing Freirian Approaches to Education in the United States, Pia Lindquist Wong

    Part V: The Politics of Practice and the Recreation of Theory

    20.  Flying Below the Radar? Critical Approaches to Adult Education, Peter Mayo

    21.  Critical Media Education and Radical Democracy, Douglas Kellner & Jeff Share

    22.  Educating Teachers for Critical Education, Kenneth Zeichner & Ryan Flessner

    23.  Restoring Collective Memory:  The Pasts of Critical Education, Kenneth Teitelbaum

    24.  The Educative City and Critical Education, Ramon Flecha

    25.  The Citizen School Project: Implementing and Recreating Critical Education in Proto Alegre, Brazil, Luis Armando Gandin

    26.  Progressive Struggle and Critical Education Scholarship in Japan: Toward the Democratization of Critical Education Studies, Keita Takayama

    27.  The Circumstances and the Possibilities of Critical Educational Studies in China, Guang-cai Yan & Yin Chang

    Part VI: Social Movements and Pedagogic Work

    28.  Critical Pedagogy is Not Enough: Social Justice Education, Political Participation, and the Politicization of Students, Jean Anyon

    29.  Teachers' Unions and Social Justice, Mary Compton & Lois Weiner

    30.  Teachers, Praxis, and Minjung: Korean Teachers' Struggle for Recognition, Hee-Ryong Kang

    31.  Community-Based Popular Education, Migration, and Civil Society in Mexico: Working in the Space Left Behind, Jen Sandler

    Part VII: Critical Research Methods for Critical Education

    32.  Towards a Critical Theory of Method in Shifting Times, Lois Weis, Michelle Fine & Greg Dimitriadis

    33.  New Possibilities for Critical Education Research: Uses for Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Daniel S. Choi

    34.  Can Critical Education Research be "Quantitative"?, Joseph J. Ferrare

    35.  Orientalism, the West and Non-West Binary, and Postcolonial Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Research and Education, Yoshiko Nozaki

    List of Contributors



    Michael W. Apple is John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    Wayne Au is Assistant Professor at the University of Washington—Bothell and he is an editor for the progressive education journal, Rethinking Schools.

    Luis Armando Gandin is Professor of Sociology of Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil.