1st Edition

Becoming a Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Professional A Global Perspective

Edited By J. Gualberto Cremades, Lauren S. Tashman Copyright 2014
    412 Pages 19 B/W Illustrations
    by Psychology Press

    412 Pages 19 B/W Illustrations
    by Psychology Press

    412 Pages 19 B/W Illustrations
    by Psychology Press

    This edited book by two prominent professionals of Sport and Exercise and Performance Sciences addresses relevant issues and experiences as one becomes a sport, exercise and performance psychology practitioner. Chapters discuss the supervision and training involved along with models of practice, theory, techniques, and ethical issues.

    Introduction 1. Initial Considerations: Developing the Pathway to Become a Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Professional J.G. Cremades, L.S. Tashman, A. Quartiroli The Practice of Service Delivery 2. Gleaning Insights: Perspectives of New Sport Psychology Practitioners R.A. Braun, A. DeVries 3. Pursuing a Career in Applied Sport Psychology in the Czech Republic K. Kudlackova 4. Sport Psychology Consulting in Trinidad and Tobago D. La Guerre 5. The Process of Providing Sport Psychology Services in Taiwan C.H. Glen 6. Dr. Seuss and the ‘Great Balancing Act’: Exploring the Ethical Places You’ll Go within Australian Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology G.M. Moyle 7. Passing on Values of Fair Play and Sportsmanship through the Practice of Sport and Exercise Psychology D.G. del Pozo, P. Jerez Villanueva, J.G. Cremades 8. Developing a Philosophy and Theoretical Framework: Mapping a Rich and Complex Landscape for the Brave Explorer R. J. Keegan 9. Sport Psychology Service Delivery to Danish Elite Athletes: From Professional Philosophy to Successful Cases G. Diment, K. Henriksen, J. Hansen 10. Enhancing the Performance of Individual Athletes and Teams: Considerations and Challenges for the Delivery of Sport Psychology Services K. Steptoe, J. Barker, C. Harwood 11. Age and Expertise: Issues when Working with Performers and their Support System – Moving Beyond "Teaching Grandma to Suck Eggs" T. Holder 12. Promoting Physical Activity and Performance Excellence among Individuals with Disabilities R. de la Vega, V. Rubio 13. A Theory Based Model for Health Performance Consultation S.J. Zizzi, L. Gilchrist 14. The Role of Theory in Designing Physical Activity Interventions for School-Aged Children C.B. Woods 15. Training the Tactical Soldier – Athlete: Education to Application T. Holt 16. Circus also Needs Performance Psychology: Facts and Realities of Consulting at Cirque du Soleil J.F. Ménard, M. Hallé 17. Cultural Sport Psychology: Considerations for Enhancing Cultural Competence of Practitioners K.R. McGannon, R.J. Schinke, R. Busanich 18. Cultural Diversity, Transational Athletes, and Performance T.V. Ryba 19 Incorporating Technology into Practice: a Service Delivery Approach J. Watson, M.Halbrook 20. Infusing Technology in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Practice C. Cheadle, G. Pfenninger, E. Carlson 21. The Business of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology in the United States E. Carlson, G. Pfenninger 22. Setting Up a Business in Sport and Performance Psychology: A German Perspective P. Schneider 23. The Practice of Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology: Irish and International Perspectives M. Campbell, A.Moran 24. Creating and Maintaining Argentina’s National Training Center for Elite Athletes P.W. Wortelboer 25. Sport Performance Psychology Service Delivery Process: A German Perspective D. Hackfort, M. Kuhn 26. The Changing Landscape of Sport Psychology Service in Canada R.J. Schinke, K.R. McGannon Training, Supervision, and Mentorship in the Applied Setting 27. The Neophyte Supervisor: What Did I Get Myself Into? B. Cropley, R. Neil 28. From Mentee to Mentor: Considerations for the Neophyte Supervisor J. Vosloo, R. Zakrajsek, E. Grindley 29. Facilitating our Future: Roles, Responsibilities, and the Development of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Supervisor J.C. Watson II, V.R. Shannon, M.M. McAlarnen 30. The Seasoned Supervisor: Challenges, Models, and Lessons Learned J. Dosil, S. Rivera 31. Ethical Issues in Training Future Practitioners S. Castillo 32. Sport Psychology Supervision in the Netherlands: Starting from Scratch R.I.V. Hutter 33. Developing the ‘Total’ Consultant: Nurturing the Art & Science A. Mugsford, D. Hesse, T. Morgan 34. Insights from Sweden: Halmstad Applied Sport Psychology Supervision Model N. Stambulova, U. Johnson, L. Linnér 35. A Supervision Model Utilizing Peer Mentoring and Consultation Teams in the Provision of Applied Sport Psychology Services J. Yambor, M. Thompson 36. Peer Mentoring and Peer Supervision: Nordic Experiences A. Titkov, M. Bednarikova, J.R. Mortensen 37. Nordic Supervisee Experiences in Applied Sport Psychology S. Lee, A. Titkov, J.R. Mortensen 38. Looking from the Supervisee’s Eyes: Australia and China H.Y. Li, X. Jiang 39. Diffusion of International and European Knowledge and Standards on the Training of Sport and Exercise Psychology Professionals: The case of Greece A.G. Papaioannou, A. Hatzigeorgiadis, S. Chroni 40. International Perspectives: Training and Supervision in the United Kingdom and Australia D. Tod, M.R. Eubank, M.B. Andersen 41. Peer Consultations with Colleagues: The Significance of Gaining Support and Avoiding the ‘Lone Ranger Trap’ A. Rhodius, K. Sugarman 42. Meta-Supervision: Training Practitioners to Help Others on Their Paths S.T. Barney, M.B. Andersen 43. The Wave of the Future: Integrating Technology into Service Delivery Training L.S. Tashman, J.G. Cremades Conclusion 44. Where Do We Go From Here? A.Quartiroli, J.G. Cremades, L.S.Tashman


    J. Gualberto Cremades, Lauren S. Tashman

    "With contributions from around the globe, rarely has sport, exercise and performance psychology been covered so comprehensively in a single text. This book truly contains something for everyone, from neophyte to seasoned practitioner." --Peter Terry, Professor of Psychology, University of Southern Queensland/ President, Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology.

    "In this exciting tome, Cremades and Tashman have set out on and accomplished an enormous task: to address training and applied practice issues regarding sport, exercise, and performance psychology from a truly international perspective. Traditional methods of training and practice are explicated, alongside the mundane but rarely discussed business of practice, as well as such cutting-edge considerations as the impact of technological advancement. The research-based voices of early career professionals and seasoned practitioners will inform an equally wide readership as we move toward the globalization of the profession." --Kate F. Hays, Ph.D., C.Psych., CC-AASP, Toronto, Canada, Psychologist practitioner, author, and independent scholar

    "The book has a fresh approach including authors who are novices in the field as well as well-established practitioners. The content is truly international with authors from 20 countries and five continents. Topics include not only the traditional sport and physical activity, but also military, circus, cultural competence, technology, business, ethics, and supervision. To me, the most exciting part of the book is that approximately one third of the chapters focus on supervision, a typically under-represented area in the field." Stephanie Hanrahan, Assoc. Professor, Sport and Exercise Psychology, The University of Queensland