3rd Edition

Clark's Pocket Handbook for Radiographers

    288 Pages 111 Color & 139 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    288 Pages 111 Color & 139 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    288 Pages 111 Color & 139 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Drawn from the renowned reference Clark's Positioning in Radiography, this bestselling pocket handbook provides clear and practical advice to help radiographers in their day-to-day work. Designed and structured for rapid reference, it covers how to position the patient and image receptor as well as the direction and location of the beam, describes the essential image characteristics, and illustrates each radiographic projection with a positioning photograph and corresponding radiographic image.

    This third edition has been updated to include new positioning photographs reflecting the dominance of direct digital radiography detectors (DDRs), helpful information on the importance of optimisation, exposure factors and geometry in image production, evaluating exposure in digital imaging and aspects of bariatric imaging.

    Section 1 Key Aspects of Radiographic Practice

    Anatomical Terminology

    Positioning Terminology

    Projection Terminology

    The Importance of Optimisation and Exposure Factors  

    Evaluating Exposure In Digital Imaging

    Geometry of Image Production

    Patient Journey and examination timeline

    General Considerations for Digital Radiographic Examinations

    Patient identity and Consent

    Justification of the examination

    Radiation Protection

    Medical Exposure and Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs)

    Standard Operating Procedure for patients of Reproductive Capacity

    Evaluating Images: 'The 10-point plan'

    Guidelines for the Assessment of Trauma Images

    Theatre Radiography

    Ward Radiography

    Bariatric Imaging


    Section 2 Radiographic Projections

    Abdomen – Antero-Posterior Supine

    Abdomen Antero-Posterior – Left Lateral Decubitus

    Acromioclavicular Joint

    Ankle – Antero-Posterior/ Mortise Joint

    Ankle – Lateral

    Calcaneum – Axial

    Cervical Spine – Antero- Posterior C3–C7

    Cervical Spine – Antero- Posterior C1–C2 ‘Open Mouth’

    Cervical Spine – Lateral Erect

    Cervical Spine – Lateral ‘Swimmers’

    Cervical Spine – Lateral Supine

    Cervical Spine – Posterior Oblique

    Cervical Spine – Flexion and Extension

    Chest – Postero-anterior

    Chest – Antero-posterior (Erect)

    Chest – Lateral

    Chest – Supine (Anteroposterior)

    Chest – Mobile/ Portable (Antero-posterior)

    Chest - Mobile (Posterior-anterior - Prone) 

    Clavicle – Postero-anterior

    Clavicle – Infero-superior

    Elbow – Antero-posterior

    Elbow AP – Antero-Posterior alternative Projections for Trauma

    Elbow – Lateral

    Facial Bones – Occipito-mental (OM)

    Facial Bones – Occipito-mental 30-degree Caudal (OM 30)

    Femur – Antero-posterior

    Femur – Lateral

    Fingers – Dorsi-palmar

    Fingers – Lateral Index and Middle Fingers

    Fingers – Lateral Ring and Little Fingers

    Foot – Dorsi-plantar

    Foot – Dorsi-plantar Oblique

    Foot – Lateral Erect

    Forearm – Antero-posterior

    Forearm – Lateral

    Hand – Dorsi-palmar

    Hand – Dorsi-palmar Oblique

    Hand – Lateral

    Hip: AP (Antero-posterior) – Single Hip

    Hip – Lateral Air-gap Technique (Trauma)

    Hip - Lateral Neck of Femur 

    Hip – Posterior Oblique (Lauenstein’s)

    Hips (Both) – Lateral (‘Frog’s Legs’ Position)

    Humerus – Antero-posterior

    Humerus – Lateral

    Knee – Antero-posterior

    Knee – Lateral (Basic)

    Knee – Horizontal Beam Lateral (Trauma)

    Knee – Tunnel/Intercondylar Notch

    Knee – ‘Skyline’ Patellar (Supero-inferior)

    Lumbar Spine – Antero-posterior

    Lumbar Spine – Lateral

    Lumbar Spine – Oblique

    Lumbo-sacral Junction (L5–S1) – Lateral

    Mandible – Postero-anterior

    Mandible – Lateral Oblique 30-degree Cranial

    Orbits – Occipito-mental (Modified)

    Orthopantomography (OPG/DPT)

    Pelvis AP Antero-posterior

    Sacro-iliac Joints – Postero-anterior

    Sacrum – Antero-posterior

    Sacrum – Lateral

    Scaphoid Postero-anterior with Ulnar Deviation

    Scaphoid – Anterior Oblique with Ulnar Deviation

    Scaphoid – Posterior Oblique

    Scaphoid – Postero-anterior, Ulnar Deviation and 30-degree Cranial

    Shoulder Girdle – Anteroposterior (15-degree) Erect

    Shoulder Girdle – Anteroposterior (Glenohumeral Joint) – Modified (Grashey


    Shoulder – Supero-inferior (Axial)

    Shoulder – Anterior Oblique (‘Y’ Projection)

    Sinuses – Occipito-mental

    Skull – Occipito-frontal (OF)

    Skull – Occipito-frontal 30-degree Cranial (Reverse Towne’s)

    Skull – Lateral Erect

    Skull – Fronto-occipital (Supine/Trolley)

    Skull – Fronto-occipital 30-degree Caudal (Towne’s Projection) (Supine/Trolley)

    Skull – Lateral (Supine/Trolley)

    Skull ‘Head’ – CT

    Sternum – Lateral

    Thoracic Spine – Antero-posterior

    Thoracic Spine – Lateral

    Thumb – Antero-posterior

    Thumb – Lateral

    Tibia and Fibula – Anteroposterior

    Tibia and Fibula – Lateral

    Toe – Hallux – Lateral

    Toes – Dorsi-plantar

    Toes – Second to Fifth – Dorsi-plantar Oblique

    Wrist – Postero-anterior

    Wrist – Lateral

    Zygomatic Arches – Infero-superior


    Section 3 Useful Information for Radiographic Practice

    Non-Imaging Diagnostic Tests

    Medical Terminology

    Medical and Radiographic Abbreviations





    A Stewart Whitley, Radiology Advisor, UK Radiology Advisory Services, Preston, Lancashire, UK and Former Director of Professional Practice, International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT)

    Charles Sloane, Principal Lecturer and Professional Lead for Health Sciences, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria, Lancaster, UK

    Gail Jefferson, Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for Diagnostic Radiography, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria, Lancaster; Reporting Radiographer, North Cumbria Integrated Care, Carlisle, UK

    Ken Holmes, formerly Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria, Lancaster, UK.

    Craig Anderson, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria, Lancaster; Clinical Tutor and Reporting Radiographer, Furness General Hospital, Cumbria, UK