1st Edition

Process Integration for Resource Conservation

By Dominic C.Y. Foo Copyright 2012
    606 Pages 282 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    606 Pages 282 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    To achieve environmental sustainability in industrial plants, resource conservation activities such as material recovery have begun incorporating process integration techniques for reusing and recycling water, utility gases, solvents, and solid waste. Process Integration for Resource Conservation presents state-of-the-art, cost-effective techniques, including pinch analysis and mathematical optimization, for numerous conservation problems.

    Following the holistic philosophy of process integration, the author emphasizes the goal of setting performance targets ahead of detailed design. He explains various industrial examples step by step and offers demo software and other materials online. Ideal for students preparing for real-world work as well as industrial practitioners, the text provides a systematic guide to the latest process integration techniques for performing material recovery in process plants.

    Motivating Examples
    Process Synthesis and Analysis
    Process Integration: A Brief Overview
    Strategies for Material Recovery and Types of RCNs
    Problem Statements
    Structure of the Book

    Data Extraction for Resource Conservation
    Segregation for Material Sources
    Extraction of Limiting Data for Material Sink for Concentration-Based RCN
    Data Extraction for Mass Exchange Processes
    Data Extraction for Hydrogen-Consuming Units in Refinery
    Data Extraction for Property Integration
    Additional Readings

    Graphical Targeting Techniques for Direct Reuse/Recycle
    Material Recovery Pinch Diagram
    Significance of the Pinch and Insights from MRPD
    Targeting for Multiple Resources
    Targeting for Threshold Problems
    Targeting for Property Integration
    Additional Readings

    Algebraic Targeting Techniques for Direct Reuse/Recycle
    Generic Procedure for Material Cascade Analysis Technique
    Targeting for Multiple Fresh Resources
    Targeting for Threshold Problems
    Targeting for Property Integration with Inferior Property Operator Level

    Process Changes for Resource Conservation Networks
    Plus–Minus Principle

    Algebraic Targeting Approach for Material Regeneration Networks
    Types of Interception Units
    Targeting for Single Pass Interception Unit
    Modeling of Mass Exchange Operation as Interception Unit
    Additional Readings

    Network Design and Evolution Techniques
    Procedure for Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
    Design for Direct Material Reuse/Recycle and the Matching Matrix
    Design for Material Regeneration Network
    Network Evolution Techniques
    Additional Readings

    Targeting for Waste Treatment and Total Material Networks
    Total Material Network
    Generic Procedure for Waste Stream Identification
    Waste Identification for Material Regeneration Network
    Targeting for Minimum Waste Treatment Flowrate
    Insights from the WTPD
    Additional Readings

    Synthesis of Pretreatment Network
    Basic Modeling of a Partitioning Interception Unit
    Pretreatment Pinch Diagram
    Insights on Design Principles from PPD
    Pretreatment Network Design with Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

    Synthesis of Inter-Plant Resource Conservation Networks
    Types of IPRCN Problems
    Generic Targeting Procedure for IPRCN
    Design of IPRCN
    IPRCN with Material Regeneration and Waste Treatment
    Additional Readings

    Synthesis of Batch Material Networks
    Types of Batch Resource Consumption Units
    Targeting Procedure for Direct Reuse/Recycle in a BMN without Mass Storage System
    Targeting Procedure for Direct Reuse/Recycle in a BMN with Mass Storage System
    Targeting for Batch Regeneration Network
    Design of a BMN
    Waste Treatment and Batch Total Network
    Additional Readings

    Synthesis of Resource Conservation Networks: A Superstructural Approach

    Superstructural Model for Direct Reuse/Recycle Network
    Incorporation of Process Constraints
    Capital and Total Cost Estimations
    Reducing Network Complexity
    Superstructural Model for Material Regeneration Network
    Superstructural Model for Inter-Plant Resource Conservation Networks
    Additional Readings

    Automated Targeting Model for Direct Reuse/Recycle Networks
    Basic Framework and Mathematical Formulation of ATM
    Incorporation of Process Constraints into ATM
    ATM for Property Integration with Inferior Operator Level
    ATM for Bilateral Problems

    Automated Targeting Model for Material Regeneration and Pretreatment Networks
    Types of Interception Units and Their Characteristics
    ATM for RCN with Single Pass Interception Unit of Fixed Outlet Quality Type
    ATM for RCN with Single Pass Interception Unit of Removal Ratio Type
    Modeling for Partitioning Interception Unit(s) of Fixed Outlet Quality Type
    Modeling for Partitioning Interception Unit(s) of Removal Ratio Type
    ATM for RCN with Partitioning Interception Unit(s)
    ATM for Pretreatment Networks
    Additional Readings

    Automated Targeting Model for Waste Treatment and Total Material Networks
    ATM for Waste Treatment Network
    ATM for TMN without Waste Recycling
    ATM for TMN with Waste Recycling
    Additional Readings

    Automated Targeting Model for Inter-Plant Resource Conservation Networks
    ATM for Direct Integration Scheme—Direct Material Reuse/Recycle
    ATM for Direct Integration Scheme: RCNs with Individual Interception Unit
    ATM for IPRCNs with Centralized Utility Facility
    Insights from ATM for IPRCN Synthesis
    Further Reading

    Automated Targeting Model for Batch Material Networks
    Basic ATM Procedure for Batch Material Networks
    ATM for Direct Reuse/Recycle Network
    ATM for Batch Regeneration Network
    ATM for Batch Total Network
    Further Reading

    Appendix: Case Studies and Examples


    Problems and References appear at the end of each chapter.


    Dominic C.Y. Foo, Ph.D., P.E., is a Professor of Process Design and Integration and the founding director of the Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Professor Foo has authored more than 70 journal papers and made more than 120 conference presentations. He has been a recipient of the Innovator of the Year Award from the Institution of Chemical Engineers UK (IChemE) and the Young Engineer Award from the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).

    In this book, Dr. Foo manages to elegantly transform the theories and concepts into effective educational tools, exciting reading materials, and very useful applications. … Overall, this is an excellent contribution that will benefit numerous researchers, students, and process engineers and will serve the cause of sustainability worldwide.
    —From the Foreword, Mahmoud El-Halwagi, Texas A&M University

    The main contribution of this textbook is that it brings together a family of systematic design tools that can be used to determine the most cost-effective measures to implement recycle and reuse of process streams in industrial plants. … suitable for a wide range of audiences, from advanced undergraduate students to practicing engineers from the process industries. … this excellent book comes at just the right time to teach the next generation of process designers how to ‘save the planet’ more systematically and intelligently.
    —From the Foreword, Raymond R. Tan, De La Salle University-Manila

    This book collects all fundamentals aspects of process integration to enable readers to address issues related to resource management. I strongly recommend this book to everyone interested in the field of process integration."
    —Santanu Bandyopadhyay, IIT Bombay

    This book serves as good material for process integration … it [also] offers good knowledge of material recovery that helps people [acquire the] basics for doing further research or practical application.
    —Cheng-Liang Chen, National Taiwan University

    The chapters are written very well and cover all the topics in sufficient detail and clarity. … a wonderful and relevant contribution to the field of process integration.
    —T. Majozi, University of Pretoria