2nd Edition

The Inner Consultation How to Develop an Effective and Intuitive Consulting Style, Second Edition

By Roger Neighbour Copyright 2005
    292 Pages
    by CRC Press

    296 Pages
    by CRC Press

    The Inner Consultation, Second Edition sets out the author’s thoughts on how consulting skills, and methods of teaching them, have evolved in the 17 years since the book’s first publication. It also develops the theme of ‘curiosity’ as the key requirement for patient-centred consulting and provides a practical consultation model with five checkpoints to work to, advice for developing skills, and suggestions for doctors to ensure they know the cues in the consultation that require their full attention. All general practitioners, GP registrars, and medical professionals will find this book essential and thought-provoking reading.

    Forewords to the first edition, About the author, Acknowledgements, Guarantee, Introduction to the second edition, Overview, Section A: Goal-setting, Section B: Skill-building, Section C: Getting it together, Appendix 1: An ‘Inner Consultation’ training programme, Appendix 2: Annotated bibliography, Index


    Roger Neighbour