1st Edition

A Handbook of Latin Literature From the Earliest Times to the Death of St. Augustine

By H. Rose Copyright 1954

    First published in 1954, A Handbook of Latin Literature is an attempt to put together a cohesive account of classical and early post-classical writings in the Latin tongue, and is a companion to the Handbook of Greek Literature. The book traces the history of Latin literature from the earliest times down to the death of St. Augustine, and tackles both theological and non-theological interests of Christian authors. This book will be of interest to students of history and literature.

    1. The Background 2. The Beginnings 3. The Age of Ennius 4. The Aftermath 5. The Development of Prose 6. Lucretius and the New Poets 7. Cicero 8. Prose of Cicero’s Time 9. Vergil and Augustan Poetry 10. Livy and Augustan Prose 11. Ovid and Afterwards 12. The Silver Age to the Death of Nero 13. The Silver Age to the Death of Trajan 14. Philosophy, Science and Scholarship 15. Christians and Pagans Addenda Bibliography Supplementary Bibliography Index


    H. J. Rose