1st Edition

A History of Egypt In the Middle Ages

By Stanley Lane-Poole Copyright 1901

    When originally published in 1901, this volume related for the first time the History of Egypt in the Middle Ages, from its conquest by the Saracens in 640 to its annexation by the Ottoman Turks in 1517 in a continuous narrative apart from the general history of the Muslim caliphate.

    The Arab Conquest, 639-641.  A Province of the Caliphate, 641-868.  Tulun and Ikhshid, 868-969.  The Shi’a Revolution, 969.  The Fatimid Caliphs, 969-1094.  The Attack from the East, 969-1171.  Saladin, 1169 – 1193.  Saladin’s Successors, 1193-1250.  The First Mamluks, 1250-1279.  The House of Kala.un, 1279-1382.  The Circassian Mamluks, 1382-1517


    Stanley Lane-Poole