7th Edition

A History of England, Volume 1 Prehistory to 1714

    370 Pages 112 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    370 Pages 112 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The seventh edition of this two-volume narrative of English history draws on the most up-to-date primary and secondary research, encouraging students to interpret the full range of England's social, economic, cultural, and political past from its first inhabitants to the 2020s.

    A History of England, Volume 1: Prehistory to 1714 focuses on the key social, economic, cultural, environmental, intellectual, and political events and themes of English history up to the early 18th century. Topics include the Viking and Norman conquests of the eleventh century, the creation of the monarchy, the Reformation, and the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The text discusses events in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland as they affected developments in England. There is a new section dealing with the decline of belief in witchcraft.

    This book is essential introductory reading for students of the history of England and Britain.

    1. The Land and the People

    2. Roman Britain: 55 B.C.E.–450 C.E.

    3. Anglo-Saxon England: 450–1066

    4. Norman England

    5. The Angevins

    6. The Thirteenth Century: 1216–1307

    7. War and Crisis: 1307–1399

    8. Lancaster and York: 1399–1485

    9. The Reign of Henry VII: 1485–1509

    10. War and Reformation: 1509–1547

    11. Protestant and Catholic: 1547–1558

    12. Elizabethan England: 1558–1603

    13. Early Stuart England: 1603–1640

    14. The English Revolution: 1640–1660

    15. Restoration and Revolution: 1660–1689

    16. War and Society


    Douglas Bisson is Professor of History at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the author of The Merchant Adventurers of England: The Company and the Crown, 1474–1564.

    Clayton Roberts was Professor Emeritus of History at The Ohio State University. He is the author of The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England and Schemes and Undertakings: A
    Study of English Politics in the Seventeenth Century

    David Roberts was Charles and Elfriede Collis Professor of History at Dartmouth College. He is the author of Paternalism in Early Victorian England and The Social Conscience of the Early Victorians.