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A New Order of Social Things

About the Series

The social and human sciences may well be going through a sea change similar to what they experienced after the revolutionary moment of 1968. Today, it is fair to say, there are several obvious spheres of thought and research where this new order is being to show itself:

  • The Global South
  • Cultural and Critical Theories
  • Multicultural Urban Ethnographies
  • The Instability of Social Democracies
  • Theorizing the Virtual World

To address these important questions we look to theorists of multiple geographies, genders, races, castes, and perspectives—established theorists who will levy this forum to take their existing work in new directions, along with early-career theorists whose ideas will chart new avenues for a renewal of critical theory. This breadth embraces both the plurality and ambiguity of theory today while also exploring bold solutions to the current impasse.

1 Series Title

Per Page

Americans Thinking America Elements of American Social Thought

Americans Thinking America: Elements of American Social Thought

1st Edition


By Charles Lemert
January 02, 2025

In this dynamic book, Charles Lemert elaborates a vigorous, distinctive, and creative American tradition in social thought. American social theory has tended to be overshadowed by European social thought. Yet, looking deeper, Americans have always made important contributions to social theory. ...

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