1st Edition

A Second-Wave Positive Psychology in Counselling Psychology A Paradigm Shift

Edited By Paul T. P. Wong Copyright 2023

    This book on the new paradigm of existential positive psychology (PP2.0) or second-wave positive psychology focusses on the importance of transcending or transforming negative experiences and emotions to achieve durable flourishing. The book offers exciting new concepts and skills in the practice of counselling psychology.

    Positive psychology is evolving due to changing times and circumstances. PP2.0 opens new vistas for research and interventions in counselling psychology and positive psychology. Instead of relying only on the positives, it posits the importance of navigating an optimal balance between positives and negatives in each context. It emphasizes the importance of inner peace, balance, and harmony rather than the pursuit of happiness or positive emotions. More importantly, PP2.0 is based on meeting the basic human needs for 1) the need to be liberated from the suffering and human bondage, 2) the hope of achieving a meaningful future, 3) the need to relate to others in a compassionate and authentic way so that people can experience genuine kindness and love, and 4) the deep-seated spiritual need for a sense of oneness with a Higher Power or nature. This volume explores ways to help individuals to be liberated from their inherent limitations and, at the same time, empower them to achieve their highest aspirations.

    With an updated Introduction, this book is the ideal companion for any student or practitioner looking for an insightful overview of positive psychology including humanistic psychology, existential positive psychology as well as counselling psychology. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Counselling Psychology Quarterly.

    Introduction: Second wave positive psychology’s (PP 2.0) contribution to counselling psychology—A Paradigm Shift

    Paul T. P. Wong

    1. A psychodynamic model of Self-nature

    Kwang-Kuo Hwang

    2. The D.R.E.A.M. program: developing resilience through emotions, attitudes, & meaning (gifted edition)—a second wave positive psychology approach

    Laura Lynne Armstrong, Stephanie Desson, Elizabeth St. John and Emmalyne Watt

    3. Second wave of positive psychology: beyond the dichotomy of positive and negative and the consequences in the practice of psychotherapy

    Katerina Flora

    4. Anger as a moral emotion: A "bird’s eye" systematic review

    Tim Lomas

    5. Happiness and meaning in life: unique, differential, and indirect associations with mental health

    P. F. Jonah Li, Y. Joel Wong and Ruth C.-L. Chao

    6. Addiction in existential positive psychology (EPP, PP2.0): from a critique of the brain disease model towards a meaning-centered approach

    David F. Carreno and José Antonio Pérez-Escobar

    7. Transforming shame, guilt and anxiety through a salutogenic PP1.0 and PP2.0 counselling framework

    Claude–Hélène Mayer, Elisabeth Vanderheiden and Rudolf M Oosthuizen

    8. Finding the golden mean: the overuse, underuse, and optimal use of character strengths

    Ryan M. Niemiec

    9. Eastern wisdom, inner work, and aging: a contribution in second wave positive psychology

    Avraham Cohen and Heesoon Bai

    10. Narrative identity: from the inside out

    Lee Newitt, Piers Worth and Matthew Smith

    11. The dialectic dynamics between trait gratitude, subjective well-being, and psychopathology across 30 weeks

    Lilian Jans-Beken

    12. Quest for a pathway to human’s good life in the Chinese cultural context

    Rongwei Zhang

    13. Tragic optimism: an integrative meaning-centred approach to trauma treatment

    Mega M. Leung

    14. The dialectics of aloneness: positive vs. negative meaning and differential assessment

    Dmitry Leontiev

    15. Transforming emotional suffering into flourishing: metatherapeutic processing of positive affect as a trans-theoretical vehicle for change

    Diana Fosha, Nathan Thoma and Danny Yeung


    Paul T. P. Wong is a pioneer in developing the science and practice of flourishing through suffering. He has been advocating existential positive psychology (PP2.0) for more than 30 years. He is also one of the most influential existential-humanistic psychologists with a focus on existential wellbeing.