1st Edition

Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States

Edited By Paul Lachapelle, Don E. Albrecht Copyright 2019
    322 Pages 57 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    322 Pages 57 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The concept of community, in all its diverse definitions and manifestations, provides a unique approach to learn more about how groups of individuals and organizations are addressing the challenges posed by climate change. This new volume highlights specific cases of communities developing innovative approaches to climate mitigation and adaptation around the United States. Defining community more comprehensively than just spatial geography to include also communities of interest, identity and practice, this book highlights how individuals and organizations are addressing the challenges posed by climate change through more resilient social processes, government policies and sustainable practices.

    Through close examinations of community efforts across the United States, including agricultural stakeholder engagement and permaculture projects, coastal communities and prolonged drought areas, and university extension and local governments, this book shows the influence of building individual and institutional capacity toward addressing climate change issues at the community level. It will be useful to community development students, scholars and practitioners learning to respond to unexpected shocks and address chronic stress associated with climate change and its impacts.

    Chapter 1: Community Approaches to Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century

    Paul Lachapelle and Don Albrecht


    Chapter 2: Earth's Changing Climate: A Community Primer

    Rob Davies

    Chapter 3: Public Opinion on Climate Change in Rural America: A Potential Barrier to Resilience

    Shawn K. Olson-Hazboun and Peter D. Howe

    Chapter 4: Building Local Resilience to Climate Change through Citizen Science, Environmental Education, and Decision-making

    Erin E. Posthumus, LoriAnne Barnett, Theresa M. Crimmins, Jody Einerson, Esperanza Stancioff and Peter L. Warren

    Chapter 5: Creating a Civic Spark: Using AmeriCorps National Service to Catalyze Rural Climate Change Action

    Kif Scheuer, Kristen Wraith and Kristin Brubaker

    Chapter 6: Participatory Research to Assess the Climate Resiliency of Snow-fed River Dependent Communities: A Collaborative Modeling Case Study in the Truckee-Carson River System

    Loretta Singletary and Kelley Sterle

    Chapter 7: Nevada’s Approach to Minimizing the Risk from Prolonged Drought

    Mark Walker and Kerri Jean Ormerod


    Chapter 8: Mitigating Projected Impacts of Climate Change and Building Resiliency through Permaculture

    Roslynn Brain McCann, Jeremy Lynch and Jeff Adams

    Chapter 9: Engaging Southeastern Science Educators in the Development of a Climate Change Instructional Module

    Martha C. Monroe and Annie Oxarart

    Chapter 10: Engaging with Michigan Agricultural Stakeholders to Address Climate Change

    Julie E. Doll and Claire Needham Bode

    Chapter 11: Communicating Climate Change at the Community Level

    Huston Gibson

    Chapter 12: University Extension Communities of Practice: Learning, Communicating, and Engaging on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the United States Corn Belt

    Gabrielle Roesch-McNally, J. Arbuckle, Jamie Benning, Lois Wright Morton and Adam Wilke


    Chapter 13: Variables Influencing the Adoption of Sustainability Programs by Local Governments

    John J. Duffy and Susan Todd

    Chapter 14: Supporting Climate Adaptation Planning in Northwest Alaska

    Nathan P. Kettle, Josephine-Mary Sam, Sarah F. Trainor and Glenn T. Gray

    Chapter 15: Financial Resilience of Local Government Impacted by Natural Disasters: A Framework for Calculating Climate Change Risk Liability

    J. Matthew Fannin

    Chapter 16: The Role of Community Capitals in Climate Change Adaptation in Binational Setting

    Kristen A. Goodrich, Danielle Boudreau, Jeffrey A. Crooks, Ana Eguiarte and Julio Lorda

    Chapter 17: Engaging Citizens to Address Community Climate Change Issues

    Daniel Kahl and Amber Campbell

    Chapter 18 : Local Adaptation to Climate Change: What Comes Next?

    Don Albrecht and Paul Lachapelle


    Paul Lachapelle is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Montana State University-Bozeman USA. His teaching and research spans many disciplines and practices; from community climate change resiliency to social impact investing to diversity, inclusion and social justice topics. His publications include the edited book in this current series, "Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level" (Routledge 2019) as well as journal articles on energy impacts in communities, democratic practice and local governance, and community visioning. He earned a Ph.D. (Forestry) at the University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation with a focus on natural resource policy and governance and serves as Editor of the Community Development Society Current Issues Book Series and member of the Board of Directors (and past-President) of the International Association for Community Development.

    Don Albrecht began his role as the Director of the Western Rural Development Center in July 2008. He received a B.S. in Forestry, an M.S. in Sociology from Utah State University and a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology from Iowa State University. He then served as a member of the faculty at Texas A&M University for 27 years where he worked in the Departments of Rural Sociology and Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences. He has researched and written extensively on the issues confronting the communities and residents of rural America. Among the issues explored are natural resource concerns, economic restructuring, demographic trends, poverty, inequality and education.

    "In this time of dire consequences attributed to the effects of climate change, Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level and its contributors offer us a shred of hope in this compendium of essays about communities and their actions to becoming more resilient and adaptive. The reader is also offered other ways of thinking about ‘community’— we are more than just the places we come from and our survival on this planet depends on that notion." -Mark Apel, Area Agent for Community Resource Development, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

    "By focusing on community and the lived experience of climate change, this book advances a compelling portfolio of ways people are working together against what are too often portrayed as insurmountable challenges. Kudos to a stellar group of authors for a refreshing view into what is possible." -Courtney Flint, Professor of Natural Resource Sociology, Utah State University

    "In a refreshing approach, rather than staking out strident political positions, this book focuses on the real climate change issues communities face. Locally-relevant, scientifically-based, and action-oriented, the authors share outstanding approaches and innovative ideas for understanding, strategizing, and acting on climate change challenges. Most importantly, we learn how to authentically engage communities of interest and place in developing practices that promote resiliency and sustainability. It’s a must read for community development practitioners." -Greg Wise, Emeritus Professor of Community Development, University of Wisconsin Extension

    "A much-needed handbook for those working in the field of community development. This is a highly accessible text for practitioners, scholars and policy makers alike as they support vulnerable communities to prepare for the challenges that climate change is already bringing and which will become ever more taxing. Please read this excellent book to help you prepare." -Charlie McConnell, Past President International Association for Community Development

    "Climate change has increasing implications for human well-being. In order to better understand responses to climate change, it is important to understand that people experience life and act in contexts structured by their communities. This book takes a broad approach to community, considering communities of geographic place and also communities of practice, interest, and identity. By examining various topics and cases in each of these types of communities, the book makes an important contribution to our understanding of human responses and community approaches to climate change." -Jennifer E. Givens, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Utah State University