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Adelphi series

About the Series

The Adelphi series is The International Institute for Strategic Studies' flagship contribution to policy-relevant, original academic research.

Six books are published each year. They provide rigorous analysis of contemporary strategic and defence topics that is useful to politicians and diplomats, as well as academic researchers, foreign-affairs analysts, defence commentators and journalists.

157 Series Titles

Per Page

India Redefines its Role

India Redefines its Role

1st Edition

By Shekhar Gupta
September 26, 2005

This work offers analytical examination of the facts that will shape the India of the future and determine whether India emerges as Asia's new economic tiger, a stabilizing factor in a turbulent region, or becomes inward-looking, militaristic and stagnant....

Maintaining Nuclear Stability in South Asia

Maintaining Nuclear Stability in South Asia

1st Edition

By Neil Joeck
October 31, 1997

Argues that, while nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles cast a shadow over Indo-Pakistani relations, they do not create strategic stability.  He asserts that the development of command and control mechanisms would enhance stability, but that diplomatic steps focused on missiles must also be ...

Multinational Military Forces Problems and Prospects

Multinational Military Forces: Problems and Prospects

1st Edition

By Roger Palin
November 08, 2005

First Published in 2005. Since the breaching of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent end of the Cold War, there has been a marked increase in attention paid to multinational military forces. Adelphi Paper 294 looks at the problems facing multinational forces and operations and the prospects ...

Non-Proliferation Incentives for Russia and Ukraine

Non-Proliferation Incentives for Russia and Ukraine

1st Edition

By John C Baker
May 30, 1997

Given their protracted economic difficulties, the nuclear and aerospace industries in Russia and Ukraine are tempted to export dual-use technologies that can contribute to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems. John C. Baker proposes using international incentives to ...

Nuclear Policies in Europe

Nuclear Policies in Europe

1st Edition

By Bruno Tertrais
August 31, 1999

While international security has radically changed since 1989, nuclear weapons remain a subject of debate and contention. This paper provides an analytical framework for understanding post-Cold War Europe's strategic debates. It offers insights into Europe's national nuclear policies and ...

Political-Military Relations and the Stability of Arab Regimes

Political-Military Relations and the Stability of Arab Regimes

1st Edition

By Risa Brooks
September 13, 2013

Arab leaderships have been remarkably stable since the 1970s, particularly given the frequency of military coups in preceding years. Nonetheless, the military remains a key force in most Arab states and political leaders must maintain its loyalty if they are to retain office. Regimes have used a ...

Reshaping Defence Diplomacy New Roles for Military Cooperation and Assistance

Reshaping Defence Diplomacy: New Roles for Military Cooperation and Assistance

1st Edition

By Andrew Cottey
June 30, 2004

Analyses changing patterns of international military cooperation and assistance and shows that Western defence diplomacy is increasingly being directed towards new goals. The new defence diplomacy runs alongside the old and there are tensions between the two, in particular between the new goal of ...

Russia and North-East Asia

Russia and North-East Asia

1st Edition

By Chikahito Harada
July 30, 1997

Russia has recently strengthened its diplomatic relations with its North-East Asian neighbours - China, Japan, and North and South Korea. But without much more reform at home, Russia will be neither attractive as a partner nor live up to its full potential. Chikahito Harada assesses the reasons for...

Saudi Arabia and the Illusion of Security

Saudi Arabia and the Illusion of Security

1st Edition

By J.E. Peterson
August 30, 2002

This paper examines Saudi Arabia's security from the Saudi point of view, concentrating on internal challenges to the country's security as well as external threats. It also surveys US-Saudi relations in the aftermath of the terrorist strikes of the 11th of September 2001....

The Limits of Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership

The Limits of Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership

1st Edition

By Jennifer Anderson
January 31, 1997

Russia and China claim to have established a "strategic partnership". Jennifer Anderson argues that this relationship merely overlays a diplomatic agenda established in the late 1980s, and that China's pragmatic, limited approach (coupled with Russia's domestic economic and political difficulties) ...

The Security Implications of the New Taiwan

The Security Implications of the New Taiwan

1st Edition

By Bernice Lee
November 30, 1999

How can fresh conflict between China and Taiwan be avoided? This paper argues that unless the key players - Taiwan, China and the US - accept the existence of a new and increasingly democratic Taiwan, the conflict across the Taiwan Straits will remain one of the most contentious and ...

Context and Circumstance The Turkish Military and Politics

Context and Circumstance: The Turkish Military and Politics

1st Edition

By Gareth Jenkins
May 17, 2005

Debates about military influence on civilian government tend to be partisan and rarely pay sufficient attention to specific contexts. This paper analyses, without condemnation or justification, why and how the military exercises such influence in Turkey and whether it is likely to continue to do so...

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