1st Edition

Aesthetic Movement in Victorian Life

Edited By Midori Tsuji
    by Edition Synapse

    This is a collection of nine guide books of interior decoration and the aesthetic principles of Victorian lifestyles. Addressed primarily to middle-class women, they are extremely useful to our understanding Victorian society, women’s history and culture.

    Volume I  Introduction by Midori Tsuji Mrs H. R. Haweis  The Art of Decoration  Volume II   H. J. Cooper The Art of Furnishing on Rational and Aesthetic Principles Mrs H. R. Haweis  Beautiful Houses: Being a Description of Certain Well-known Artistic Houses[Anon], Artistic Homes or How to Furnish with Taste  Volume III  R. W. Edis Decoration and Furniture of Town Houses Volume IV Lewis F. Day, Everyday Art, Short Essays on the Arts Not-Fine Mrs J. E. Panton From Kitchen to Garret  Volume V  Lucy Crane, Art and the Formation of Taste  Volume VI  Mrs J. E. Panton, A Gentlewoman’s Home, the Whole Art of Building, and Beautifying the Home


    Midori Tsuji, Fukushima University