1st Edition

American Beetles Vol 1 Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia

Edited By Jr. Arnett Copyright 2000
    464 Pages
    by CRC Press

    468 Pages
    by CRC Press

    A thorough update of Arnett's The Beetles of the United States, American Beetles, Volumes I and II cover the genera of beetles that occur in Alaska, Canada, and the contiguous United States. Built on the foundation of the original work and almost completely rewritten with contributions from more than 60 coleopterists, these volumes describe each family with separate paragraphs for head, thorax, abdomen, genitalia, eggs, larvae, and pupae. This bestselling first volume covers the suborders Archostemata, Myxophaga, and Adephaga, plus the series Staphyliniformia of the suborder Polyphaga.

    Arnett and Thomas offer the most sweeping text available on the subject of North American beetles. Each section is presented in the same concise format, and the organization of the information is by family. The editors have chosen the most respected of specialists to contribute the entries.

    LIST OF BEETLE FAMILIES OF THE WORLD. KEY TO THE NEARCTIC FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA. ARCHOSTEMATA.MYXOPHAGA. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. FAMILIES. Cupedidae. Micromalthide. Microsporidae. Hydrosporidae. Rhysoscaphidae. Carabidae. Gyrinidae. Haliplidae. Trachypachidae. Noteridae. Amphizoidae. Dytiscidae. Hydrophilidae. Sphaeritidae. Histeridae. Hydraenidae. Ptiliidae. Agyrtidae. Leiodidae. Scydmaenidae. Silphidae. Staphylinidae. INDEX.


    Ross H. Arnett Jr., Michael C.Thomas

    "An impressively comprehensive text on the subject. … Provides information in a well-organized format."
    - Southeastern Naturalist, Issue 3/2, 2004

    "The most complete text on the subject. Covers more species of North American beetles than any previous publication. This 2 volume set provides general features for quick … diagnoses, as well as dichotomous keys for identifying every genus of beetle occurring in the United States and Canada. … Geared towards graduate students, university faculty, and professionals alike, this set contains contributions from acknowledged specialists in the field and is an essential reference for identification and ecology of North American beetles."
    - Southeastern Naturalist, Issue 3/3, 2004

    "…these two volumes cover more North American species than any previous text."
    -Northeastern Naturalist, Issue 12/4, 2005

    "…As the successor to the classic work on this subject, The Beetles of the United States: A Manual for Identification by R.H. Arnett, Jr. published nearly 40 years ago (1960), this excellent set is indispensable for graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals seriously interested in beetle identification and ecology."
    --CHOICE, January 2003.

    Un magnifique volume qui complete le premier de la sèrie, avec ses 22 familles les plus primitives des Colèoptëres, dont les Carabiques. Cette fois 109 familles sont traitèes, soit 131 familles en tout. Nous sommes loin du premier volume de Ross Arnett "The Beetles of the United States" publiè en un seul volume en 1962. J'avais quant á moi l'èdition de 1968. Cet ouvrage comportait alors 1112 pages et ètait imprimè en petit format. La qualitè de la publication et des illustrations n'ètait en rien comparable aux volumes actuels. Une belle production de CRC Press qui fait honneur á cette maison d'èdition. Une trës complète bibliographie termine les chapitres ....

    Fèlicitons, les auteurs, les collaborateurs, et finalement les èditeurs d'avoir rèalisè ce magnifique ouvrage. Ces deux volumes restent indispensables á qui veut Ètudier la faune colÈoptÈrologique de l'Amèrique du Nord et du Nord du Mexique, en un mot la faune nèarctique. Cette faune a des èlèments en commun avec l'Asie et surtout le Vieux monde, les connections ayant existè á diverses èpoques avec les continents voisins. La faune des Antilles, de l'Amèrique Centrale n'est pas loin non plus et ce livre peut servir de base á leur ètude. Une mise á jour de cette qualitè serait peut-être nècessaire dans notre pays, coordinant les Faunes de France, qui hèlas sont loin d'avoir fait le tour des Colèoptéres.


    "… We have come a long way from the initial work of Ross Arnett " The Beetles of the United States " published in a single volume in 1962.... The quality of that publication and its illustrations was nothing compared to the present volumes. A beautiful production of CRC Press.... A very complete bibliography is at the end of each chapter.

    " Congratulations to the authors, the collaborators, and, finally, to the editors for having put together this magnificent work. These two volumes will remain indispensable for those who want to study the Coleoptera fauna of North America that is north of Mexico, in a word the Nearctic fauna. This fauna has some elements in common with Asia and especially with the Old World, the connections having existed in various epochs with the neighboring continents. The fauna of the Antilles and of Central America is nearby and this book can act as basis for their study…"

    -Pierre Jolivet, Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, Paris, France