1st Edition

An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Oeconomy Volume 4 A Variorum Edition

    368 Pages
    by Routledge

    In his four-volume "Principles", Steuart noted, for example, the economic consequences of the Seven Years' War in Germany, the state of agriculture in Picardy, and the problem of depopulation in the cities of the Austrian Netherlands.

    VOLUME IV: Book IV: Of Credit and Debts (continued from Volume 3) 5 Book V: Of Taxes, and of the Proper Application of their Amount, Original Index, Index (1998) Chap. I. Of the various consequences of public debts, Chap. II. Of the rise and progress of public credit, Chap. III. Of anticipations, or borrowing money upon assignments to taxes, for the discharge of principal and interest °and of the sentiments of Dr. Davenant on that subject, Chap. IV. Of the state of public credit in France before the reign of Louis XIV. and of the sentiments of the great Richlieu upon that subject, Chap. V. Of the present state of public credit in Great Britain, [42] Chap. VI. State o f the public credit in France, their debts, funds, and appropriations, at the peace 1763, Chap. VII. Comparative view of the revenue, debts, and credit of Great Britain and France, Chap. V III. Contingent consequences of the extension of credit, and increase of debts, Chap. IX. Of bankruptcies, CHAP. X. Methods of contracting and paying off public debts, BOOK V Of Taxes, and of the proper application of their amount Introduction, CHAP. I. Of the different kinds of taxes, Chap. II. Of proportional taxes, and their proper object, Chap. III. How proportional taxes are drawn back by the industrious, and how that drawing back is the only reason why taxes raise the prices of commodities, Chap. IV. Of cumulative taxes, Chap. V. Of the inconveniences which proceed from proportional taxes, and of the methods of removing them, Chap. VI. Cumulative and proportional taxes compared with one another, and farther examined, Chap. VII. Consequences of taxes, when the amount of them is properly applied, Chap. VIII. Of the extent of taxation, Chap. IX . The consequences of an abolition of taxes, Chap. X. Are taxes a spur to industry, as some pretend? CHAP. XI. Considerations upon Land-Taxes, with some observations upon those of England and France, Chap. XII. Miscellaneous questions relating to taxes, Chap. XIII. Recapitulation of the fourth book, [319] Chap. XIV. Recapitulation of the fifth book


    Andrew S Skinner, Noboru Kobayashi, Hiroshi Mizuta