1st Edition

Applied Depth of Field

By Alfred A. Blaker Copyright 1985
    304 Pages
    by Routledge

    Applied Depth of Field (1985) is a complete and convenient guide for all kinds of photographers who need to exercise control over depth of field. This book assists photographers at all levels – from moderately experienced amateurs right up through working professionals – in learning how to control and to use depth of field, efficiently and quickly, for making all types of photo images.

    1. Enough Depth, Enough Sharpness  2. The Optics Behind Depth of Field  3. Factors Affecting Depth of Field  4. How to Determine Depth of Field  5. Depth of Field in Photographing People and Scenes  6. Depth of Field in Near-Object Photography  7. Depth of Field in Closeups and Photomacrography


    Alfred A. Blaker