1st Edition

Applied Mathematics A Computational Approach

    338 Pages 129 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    Applied Mathematics: A Computational Approach aims to provide a basic and self-contained introduction to Applied Mathematics within a computational environment. The book is aimed at practitioners and researchers interested in modeling real-world applications and verifying the results — guiding readers from the mathematical principles involved through to the completion of the practical, computational task.


    • Provides a step-by-step guide to the basics of Applied Mathematics with complementary computational tools
    • Suitable for applied researchers from a wide range of STEM fields
    • Minimal pre-requisites beyond a strong grasp of calculus.

    1. First Notes on Real Functions. 1.1. Introduction. 1.2. A Function of Real Numbers. 1.3. The Cost Function. 1.4. Function Representation in Table and Graphic. 1.5. Proofs and Mathematical Reasoning. 1.6. The Inverse Rationale. 1.7. Discussion of Results. 1.8. Concluding Remarks. 2. Sequences of Real Numbers. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Preliminary Notions. 2.3. Limit and Convergence of a Sequence. 2.4. Theorems About Sequences. 2.5. Study of Important Sequences. 2.6. Notes on Numbers Computation. 2.7. Concluding Remarks. 3. Limit of a Function. 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. Notions About Function Limits. 3.3. Lateral Limits at a Point — the Extended Cost Function. 3.4. Properties of Function Limits. 3.5. Remarkable Limits. 3.6. Concluding Remarks. 4. Continuity. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. Continuity at a Point. 4.3. Continuity on a Range. 4.4. Properties of Continuous Functions. 4.5. Theorems about Continuous Functions. 4.6. Roots of Non-linear Equations. 4.7. Concluding Remarks. 5. Derivative of a Function. 5.1. Introduction. 5.2. Derivatives and Geometric Interpretation. 5.3. Derivation Rules. 5.4. Derivation of Important Functions. 5.5. Derivative of Inverse Function. 5.6. Derivatives of Different Orders. 5.7. Concluding Remarks. 6. Sketching Functions and Important Theorems. 6.1. Introduction. 6.2. Important Theorems on Differentiable Functions. 6.3. Maxima and Minima. 6.4. Asymptotes. 6.5. Sketching the Extended Cost Function. 6.6. Other Important Applications. 6.7. Concluding Remarks. 7. First Steps on Integral Sums. 7.1. Introduction. 7.2. Integral Sum and Geometric Interpretation. 7.3. Calculation of Areas. 7.4. Integral Sums. 7.5. Concluding Remarks. 8. Indefinite Integral. 8.1. Introduction. 8.2. Indefinite Integral. 8.3. Properties of Indefinite Integral. 8.4. General Methods of Integration. 8.5. Specific Methods of Integration. 8.6. Concluding Remarks. 9. Definite Integral. 9.1. Introduction. 9.2. Properties and Theorems. 9.3. The Fundamental Theorems of Calculus. 9.4. Applications to the Cost Function. 9.5. Area Calculations. 9.6. Improper Integrals. 9.7. Concluding Remarks. 10. Series. 10.1. Introduction. 10.2. Basic Notions about Series. 10.3. Theorems and Applications. 10.4. Convergence Criteria for Non-Negative Series. 10.5. Non-Positive and Alternating Series. 10.6. Function Series. 10.7. Power Series. 10.8. Taylor Series. 10.9. Concluding Remarks.


    João Luís de Miranda is currently a Professor at ESTG-Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (IPPortalegre) and a Researcher in Optimization methods and Process Systems Engineering (PSE) at CERENA-Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (IST/ULisboa). He has been teaching for more than 25 years in the field of Mathematics (e.g., Calculus, Operations Research-OR, Management Science-MS, Numerical Methods, Quantitative Methods, Statistics) and has authored/edited several publications in Optimization, PSE, and education subjects in engineering and OR/MS contexts. João Luís de Miranda is addressing the research subjects through international cooperation in multidisciplinary frameworks, and is currently serving on several boards/committees at national and European level.