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Applying Child and Adolescent Development in the Professions Series

About the Series

The field of Child and Adolescent Development is being recognized and legitimized more and more as good preparation for a variety of careers in various fields such as; psychology, education, allied health, non-profits, and social work. As more theories are created and research is conducted, more attention and recognition is given to the field of Child and Adolescent Development. This series takes core and current topics in the field of Child and Adolescent Development, defines the topics, describes the topics as they develop in children from infancy to age 25 or describes how the topic impacts children from infancy to age 25, and then applies them to careers in five main fields, psychology, education, allied health, non-profits, and social work. Various application strategies and techniques are shared. The core topics addressed in this series of books are as follows; attachment, motivation, social and emotional competence, executive function, and MultiLingual and MultiCultural Development. The current niche topics represented in the series are these; transformative frames for anti-racism, socio-cultural deprivation, and growth mindset for transformative thinking. The writing level is accessible and engaging for students in high school and the first or second year of college. However, the information may be useful for graduate students, too. These books are excellent for early, mid, and late career professionals, too. Employee training and professional development can be enriched with the books of this series. It is the intention of the book authors that the volumes are helpful to all people who work with and care for children. Indeed, the topics explored in Applying Child and Adolescent Development in the Professions Series move the field forward.

3 Series Titles

Per Page

From Cultural Deprivation to Cultural Security Tackling Socio-Cultural Deprivation with Children and Young People

From Cultural Deprivation to Cultural Security: Tackling Socio-Cultural Deprivation with Children and Young People

1st Edition


By Dale Allender, Arya Allender-West
July 24, 2024

This important book considers how youth of color and other marginalized youth experience socio-cultural deprivation from the repetition of traumatic socio-historic experiences as well as from the institutions they interact with such as schools, mental health organizations, and social services ...

Promoting Regulation and Flexibility in Thinking Development of Executive Function

Promoting Regulation and Flexibility in Thinking: Development of Executive Function

1st Edition

By Kristen M. Weede Alexander, Karen M. Davis O’Hara
March 29, 2024

This concise guide introduces the importance of executive function for social and emotional well-being and effective learning. It clearly explains the research that underpins important topics such as working memory, organization, self-regulation, attention and cognitive flexibility, and how they ...

Inspiring Motivation in Children and Youth How to Nurture Environments for Learning

Inspiring Motivation in Children and Youth: How to Nurture Environments for Learning

1st Edition

By David A. Bergin
September 26, 2022

Inspiring Motivation in Children and Youth: How to Nurture Environments for Learning explores motivation and its crucial role in promoting well-being in the classroom and life beyond school. It will help all those who work with children and youth to understand and improve their motivation, and to ...

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