1st Edition

Applying Models-based Practice in Physical Education

By Ashley Casey, David Kirk Copyright 2025
    92 Pages 13 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book is a concise, practical introduction to Models-based Practice (MbP), a transformative approach to physical education and sport pedagogy that uses multiple pedagogical models in the design and delivery of physical education programs.

    The book introduces the core concepts underpinning the MbP approach – including models such as teaching games for understanding, sport education, cooperative learning and health-based physical education – and examines its significance for teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment. With an emphasis on evidence-based practice and student learning, and full of practical tips and features to encourage critical thinking, the book explains how to develop successful, flexible and sustainable MbP programs that can deliver real educational and health and well-being benefits for children and young people, in schools or in after-school or community-based settings.

    Applying Models-based Practice in Physical Education is intended for current and prospective teachers of physical education who are responsible for organising and enacting programs at all grade levels. It will also be of interest to researchers, students and other sport pedagogy practitioners, such as coaches who are looking for new and innovative ways of working with children and young people.

    1. What is Models-based Practice?

    What is Models-based Practice?


    Why Change Traditional Practice in Physical Education?

    Why Models-based Practice?

    What is a Pedagogical Model?

    The Structure of Pedagogical Models: Practice Architectures

    Practice Architectures: Sayings, Doings, Relatings




    2. What Pedagogical Models Exist?

    Established Pedagogical Models

    Sport Education

    Teaching Games in Physical Education

    Cooperative Learning

    Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility


    Emerging Pedagogical Models

    Activist Pedagogical Model for Working with Girls

    Socially Vulnerable Youth Pedagogical Model

    Health-based Physical Education Pedagogical Model

    Practicing Pedagogical Model

    Spectrum of Teaching Styles



    3. Preparing to Succeed with MbP

    Playing the Long Game

    The Groundwork

                Learning to Teach and Learning to Learn in New Ways

    Building the Foundations

                What are the Practice Architectures in your School/Department?

                The Sequencing of Pedagogical Models in MbP




    4. Working Collectively and Collaboratively: A Little Help from Your Friends

    The Importance of Collaboration and Collective Effort when Implementing Models-based Practice in Physical Education

    Building a Shared Vision and Understanding of MbP Among Educators

    Establishing a Collaborative Culture Within the School of Department

    Collaborative Problem-solving and Troubleshooting to Address Challenges and Barriers

    Engaging in Professional Learning Communities and Networks to Support Implementation

    Involving Students in the Process through Student Voice and Empowerment

    Reflecting on Collective Progress and Making Adjustments Based on Feedback and Evidence

    Celebrating Successes and Recognizing the Contributions of all Stakeholders in the Implementation of MbP




    5. Making a Case for MbP at School Level




    The Generation of Evidence

                A Generation of Evidence Example




    6. Conclusion


    Transformation through MbP

    Multiple Pedagogical Models

    Embracing Change and Challenges

    Collaborative Approach

    Advocacy and Evidence-based Practice

    An Invitation



    Ashley Casey is Professor of Physical Education and Pedagogy at Loughborough University, a National Teaching Fellow and Series Editor of the Routledge Focus on Sport Pedagogy.

    David Kirk is Professor of Education at the University of Strathclyde and Editor of the Routledge journal Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.