1st Edition

Arid Lands Today And Tomorrow

By Charles Hutchinson Copyright 1988
    1455 Pages
    by Routledge

    The international conference Arid Lands: Today and Tomorrow drew more than 400 participants from over 3 S countries to Tucson, Arizona, for one week in October of 19 8 S. The diversity of presenters, disciplines and subject matters addressed contributed to an interesting and informative conference. The papers presented in this volume represent the efforts of scientists and other individuals who, through their various disciplines, are addressing the problems of and opportunities presented by the arid lands of the world. A committee of five scientists reviewed for substance. relevance and their contribution to the conference the 284 abstracts that were submitted. They selected 146 for presentation at the conference and of those papers presented, 128 were received for inclusion in the proceedings.

    Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Chapter 1. Plenary Sessions -- Chapter 2. Climate -- Chapter 3. Underutilized Plants -- Chapter 4. Irrigation and Water Management -- Chapter S. Biosphere Reserves -- Chapter 6. Water Policy -- Chapter 7. Animal Resources -- Chapter 8. Desert Eeology -- Chapter 9. Crop Physiology and Agronomy -- Chapter 10. Urban Environments -- Chapter 11. Desertification -- Chapter 12. Land Intensification -- Chapter 13. Eeology of Nomadie Turkana hstonlists -- Chapter 14. Halophytes -- Chapter lS. Reclamation -- Chapter 16. Small-Scale Water Management -- Chapter 17. Culture and Demognphy -- Chapter 18. Soils -- Chapter 19. General Geography -- Chapter 20. Range Management -- Chapter ll. Economic Development -- Chapter 22. New Crops -- Chapter 23. Desert Riparian Systems and Reelamation -- Chapter 24. Concluding Remarks -- Keyword Index.