1st Edition

Artificial Intelligence for Precision Agriculture

    344 Pages 114 B/W Illustrations
    by Auerbach Publications

    Precision agriculture is a next-generation farming management concept that optimizes resource use, productivity, quality, profitability, and sustainability by observing and responding to crop variability. Precision agriculture employs such digital technologies as IoT, AI, 5G communication, cybersecurity, edge computing, cloud-native principles, and blockchain to ensure crops and soil receive exactly what they need for optimal health and productivity.

    Artificial Intelligence for Precision Agriculture the latest developments in precision agriculture, detailing how AI contributes to its goals. The book discusses how precision agriculture solutions use IoT devices, data storage, AI analytics, connectivity, and cloud infrastructures to analyze such factors as soil type, terrain, weather, plant growth, and yield data. Also examined are edge technologies—sensors, microchips, beacons, RFID tags, robots, drones, and actuators— that collect field data and transmit it to cloud-based AI platforms for analysis. The book shows how AI-driven insights guide actions in the field, such as crop rotation, optimal planting and harvesting times, and soil management, as well as help farmers apply the right amounts of water, fertilizers, and pesticides, reducing waste and environmental impact. Applications covered in the book include:

    • Drone-based high-resolution field mapping,
    • Tracking crops,
    • Crop yield assessments,
    • Data collection for irrigation, fertilization, and crop management,
    • Advanced weather monitoring
    • Equipment management.

    With chapters on AI model development, plant disease detection and remediation, sustainable farming techniques, data integration, AI-enabled data analytics, and knowledge visualization, this book is a comprehensive guide to technologies and applications in precision agriculture.

    1. Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications
    Aradhna Saini, Gaurav Dhuriya, Ayush Jain, and Attiuttama Mishra

    2. Introduction to Deep Learning
    Neethu Narayanan and Arjun K P

    3. Role of AI in the Field of Precision Agriculture
    Ayushi Bhavesh Tanna, Raashi Samir Jatakia, and Gajanan Dattatraya Nagare

    4. How AI Contributes to Precision Agriculture
    Eugene Berna I, Vijay K, J.Jeyalakshmi, and Prithi Samuel

    5. AI Model Generation Platforms
    J.Jeyalakshmi, Sowmia K R, R Babu, and Ravikumar S

    6. AI Deployment Models in Precision Agriculture
    J.Jeyalakshmi1, Vijay K,  Saiganesh B, and Eashaan Manohar

    7. AI Model Deployment: Enhanced Rice Plant Disease Detection and Classification as well as Improved Spatial Pyramid with Enhanced YOLO v.7
    V.Saranya, Devi.T, and N.Deepa

    8. Sustainable Farming through AI-Enabled Precision Agriculture
    D.Prabha, Siva Subramanian.R, M.G.Dinesh, and Girija P

    9. The Significance of Data Integration and Ingestion in Enhancing Agricultural Operations: A Comprehensive Exploration
    V. Ebenezer, M.Robinson Joel, M.Vargheese, N.Karthik, K. Arul Jeyaraj, and G. Gandhi Jabakumar

    10. Revolutionizing Crop Yield Prediction in Agriculture: Harnessing Machine Learning and Environment Factors for Effective Solutions in the Face of Climate Change
    M.Robinson Joel , V.Ebenezer, S.Stewart Kirubakaran, E.Bijolin Edwin, M.Roshni Thanka, and E. John Alex

    11. AI in Optimization 0f Agricultural Output in Precision Agriculture
    J.Jeyalakshmi, Vijay K, Eugene Berna I, and Sowmia K R

    12. Data Analytics Methods for Precision Agriculture
    Vijay K, Eashaan Manohar,  Saiganesh B, and Krithiga P

    13. Data Analytics Methods: A Hands-on Approach for Precision Agriculture
    Bulbul Ahmed, Pankaj Das, Rahul Banerjee, Sahadeva Singh, and Bharti

    14. Smart Sensing Technologies and Data Analytics for Precision Agriculture
    Deva Priya Isravel, Salaja Silas, Titus Issac, Jaspher Willsie Kathrine, and Elijah Blessing Rajsingh

    15. Knowledge Visualization Tools Relating to Agriculture
    Prithi Samuel, A.K. Reshmy, Eugene Berna I, Ravikumar S, and Udendhran R


    Dr. Pethuru Raj Chellah is the chief architect at Edge AI Division, Reliance Jio Platforms Ltd. (JPL) Bangalore.

    Dr. N.Gayathri is an Associate Professor in School of Computing Science and Engineering at Galgotias University, India.

    Dr. G. Jaspher Willsie Kathrine, is an Associate Professor, Department of Computing Science and Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, India