1st Edition

Asia’s Naval Expansion An Arms Race in the Making?

By Geoffrey Till Copyright 2012
    112 Pages
    by Routledge

    112 Pages
    by Routledge

    The navies of China, India and to a lesser extent Japan are expanding rapidly at present. This has the potential to alter the US-dominated naval balance in Asia-Pacific but it also raises a question: are the region’s powers involved in a naval arms race?

    Naval development is and always has been a crucial indicator of economic and political development. It shows the emergence of a significant shift in strategic weight from West to East. But within the Asia-Pacific Region, alongside growing economic and institutional integration, there are geo-political tensions that threaten the regions stability and peace. The balance between the two determines the form that naval development in that region is taking. Some aspects of this suggest the beginnings of a naval arms race that would have profound consequences for the region and the world.

    Introduction Scope of the study Problems of analysis Arms racing in perspective Cooperation not conflict? Chapter One Naval modernisation, action–reaction dynamics and their drivers Patterns of acquisition Drivers of naval acquisition: external or internal? One race or many? Measuring intensity Levels of political tension Perceptions of racing Measuring intent Chapter Two Sea control Conceptual approaches to sea control Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) Air–Sea Battle Sea-control forces Sea-control operations Chapter Three Traditional missions Deterrence Nuclear deterrent forces Deterrent operations Ballistic-missile defence BMD capabilities BMD operations Maritime power-projection Gunboat diplomacy: competitive naval diplomacy Gunboat diplomacy thinking Gunboat diplomacy operations Chapter Four Non-traditional missions Expeditionary operations Stability operations/HADR Maritime security at home and abroad Cooperative naval diplomacy Conclusion Remaking the regional order Conclusions Looking to the future Appendix


    Geoffrey Till