3rd Edition

Aspects of the Feminine

By C.G. Jung Copyright 2003
    224 Pages
    by Routledge

    224 Pages
    by Routledge

    'Love is a force of destiny whose power reaches from heaven to hell.' So Jung advises while reflecting on 'The Love Problem of a Student', an essay contained in this volume. But it is not just love that Jung speaks of in this book. Taking as its theme Jung's interpretation of the feminine principle in his hugely influential theories about the inner world of the individual, it guides the reader from the mythological archetype of the mother-figure to the experience of women in twentieth-century Europe, explaining along the way concepts crucial to Jung's understanding of the personality, such as animus and anima. Many of his contentions have become the assumptions of the generations growing up in the twenty-first century. Aspects of the Feminine is a provocative, controversial book which offers readers the opportunity to discover at first hand just how radical Jung's arguments were.

    Editorial Note, PART I, PART II Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype, PART III


    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). Founded the analytical school of psychology and developed a radical new theory of the unconscious.

    'This book is essential reading for anyone eager to grasp Jung's perception of archetypal femininity and how this finds expression in marriage, sexuality, religion and other contexts, and for an understanding of Jung's twinned concepts of anima/animus, archetypes, complexes and shadow.' - Ann Casement, Analytical Psychologist/Anthropologist

    'This work is the key to reconstructing Jung's ideas regarding a psychology of the feminine. But more than leading us to a mere rational understanding, it is a portal through which the essential role played by the anima in the spiritual transformation of personality is revealed.' - Eugene Taylor, Harvard Medical School

    'Jung was probably the most significant original thinker of the twentieth century.' - Kathleen Raine

    'Next to Freud, no psychiatrist of today has advanced our insight into the nature of the psyche more than Jung has.' - Hermann Hesse