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Banking, Money and International Finance

37 Series Titles

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Innovative Finance for Technological Progress Roles of Fintech, Financial Instruments, and Institutions

Innovative Finance for Technological Progress: Roles of Fintech, Financial Instruments, and Institutions

1st Edition


Edited By Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Roohallah Aboojafari, Naoyuki Yoshino
August 26, 2024

Innovative businesses and startups contribute to job creation, economic growth, and technological advancement in most countries. Finance helps nurture innovative firms like startups. Unfortunately, most startups and innovative projects cannot secure finance through the usual and conventional ...

The Economics of Financial Services in Emerging Markets Measuring the Output of the Banking and Insurance Industries

The Economics of Financial Services in Emerging Markets: Measuring the Output of the Banking and Insurance Industries

1st Edition


By Bhagirath Prakash Baria
August 26, 2024

Any enquiry into the nature, performance, role, demerits, growth, efficiency, or other aspects of financial services such as banking and insurance activities, requires rigorous estimates of their economic output, i.e., the economic contributions made by these firms, as well as by the industries as ...

Understanding the Polish Capital Market From Emerging to Developed

Understanding the Polish Capital Market: From Emerging to Developed

1st Edition


Edited By Marek Dietl, Dariusz Zarzecki
August 26, 2024

The first stock exchange in Warsaw – capital city of the Kingdom of Poland– was established in 1817. Over the past 205 years, the fortunes of the capital market have been closely linked to the "bumpy road" of Polish history. The establishment of the GPW Warsaw Stock Exchange in 1991 was a landmark ...

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Financial Risk Management Intelligent Applications

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Financial Risk Management: Intelligent Applications

1st Edition

Edited By Noura Metawa, M. Kabir Hassan, Saad Metawa
May 27, 2024

This book presents a collection of high-quality contributions on the state-of-the-art in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data analysis as it relates to financial risk management applications. It brings together, in one place, the latest thinking on an emerging topic and includes principles, reviews...

Insurance Market Integration in the European Union

Insurance Market Integration in the European Union

1st Edition

By Sławomir Ireneusz Bukowski, Marzanna Barbara Lament
May 27, 2024

Insurance Market Integration in the European Union offers an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of insurance market integration and measures the degrees of this integration. It examines the operation of the EU single financial market and, against this backdrop, the regulation relating to the ...

The Role of Crises in Shaping Financial Systems From the Global Financial Crisis to COVID-19

The Role of Crises in Shaping Financial Systems: From the Global Financial Crisis to COVID-19

1st Edition

By Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Elżbieta Malinowska-Misiąg, Piotr Mielus, Paweł Smaga, Bartosz Witkowski
May 27, 2024

The Role of Crises in Shaping Financial Systems: From the Global Financial Crisis to COVID-19 underscores the role of crises as turning points for the financial sector and its interactions with the real economy. It sheds new light on the financial industry through the lens of three recent ...

Corporate Share Buybacks Impact on Equity Incentive Pay and Shareholder Value

Corporate Share Buybacks: Impact on Equity Incentive Pay and Shareholder Value

1st Edition

By Gilbert Amahoro Ndayisaba, Abdullahi Dahir Ahmed
December 05, 2023

This book integrates elements from agency theory and signalling theory and draws upon recent changes in the Australian payout policy and incentives pay for risk-averse employees to provide theoretical and empirical analyses that explain the paradox of the popularity of on-market stock buyback ...

Banking, Lending and Real Estate

Banking, Lending and Real Estate

1st Edition

By Claudio Scardovi, Alessia Bezzecchi
May 31, 2023

This book deals directly with the risk/return multiple trade-offs coming out of the closely intertwined relationship between banking and real estate. The authors explore how banks could embrace a more proactive approach to make the most of their, mostly ‘long only’, exposure to real estate, and ...

Global Stock Market Development Quantitative and Behavioural Analysis

Global Stock Market Development: Quantitative and Behavioural Analysis

1st Edition

By Marcin Kalinowski
May 31, 2023

In the current era of globalised financial markets, the stock market cannot be assessed solely by comparing quantitative features such as the number of listed companies or capitalisation on the stock exchange. This is of secondary importance from an investor's point of view. What is important, ...

The Digital Disruption of Financial Services International Perspectives

The Digital Disruption of Financial Services: International Perspectives

1st Edition

Edited By Ewa Lechman, Adam Marszk
May 31, 2023

This book contributes to the present state of knowledge, offering the reader broad evidence on how new digital technologies impact financial systems. It focuses on both macro- and micro-perspectives of ICT influence on financial markets. The book demonstrates how ICT can impact trading systems or ...

The Digitalization of Financial Markets The Socioeconomic Impact of Financial Technologies

The Digitalization of Financial Markets: The Socioeconomic Impact of Financial Technologies

1st Edition

Edited By Adam Marszk, Ewa Lechman
May 31, 2023

The book provides deep insight into theoretical and empirical evidence on information and communication technologies (ICT) as an important factor affecting financial markets. It is focused on the impact of ICT on stock markets, bond markets, and other categories of financial markets, with the ...

The Economics and Finance of Commodity Price Shocks

The Economics and Finance of Commodity Price Shocks

1st Edition

By Mikidadu Mohammed
May 31, 2023

The behaviour of commodity prices never ceases to marvel economists, financial analysts, industry experts, and policymakers. Unexpected swings in commodity prices used to occur infrequently but have now become a permanent feature of global commodity markets. This book is about modelling commodity ...

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