1st Edition

Bantu Prophets in South Africa

By Bengt G. M. Sundkler Copyright 1961
    402 Pages
    by Routledge

    402 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1948 and then updated in 1961 outlines the religious and social background of the Zulus and discusses the rise of the Independent Church Movement. It examines the organization and inner workings of the different Churches, their forms of worship, and the personalities of their leaders. It also analyses the blend of old and new which appears in Zulu interpretations of some aspects of Christian doctrine.

    1. Religious and Social Background of the Zulus

    2. The Rise of the Independent Churches of Ethiopian and Zionist Type

    3. Government Policy

    4. Church and Community

    5. Leader and Followers

    6. Worship and Healing

    7. New Wine in Old Wineskins.

    Developments 1945-60


    Bengt G. M. Sundkler

    'A substantial account of the life, work, customs and beliefs of a fascinating tribe in Southern Africa.' International Review of Missions