1st Edition

Behavior Therapy with Children Volume 2

Edited By Anthony M. Graziano Copyright 1975
    654 Pages
    by Routledge

    654 Pages
    by Routledge

    The term behavior modification refers to the systematic analysis and change of human behavior and the principal focus is on overt behavior and its relationships to environmental variables. Behavior modification can be applied in many settings, the nature of which helps to define its subsets. Thus, applied in clinical settings, toward clinical goals, it encompasses the subset behavior therapy. In Behavior Therapy with Children, Volume 2, Anthony M. Graziano focuses on behavior therapy--specifically, the behavioral treatment of children's clinical problems.

    The field of behavior modification encompasses an astonishingly wide and varied spectrum of concepts about and approaches to education, clinical problems, social programming, and rehabilitation efforts. A conceptually and technologically rich medium, it has been nourished by the psychology laboratory, the school, and the psychiatric clinic. It is an area with diffuse boundaries surrounding a highly active center, within which apparently solid landmarks have already been worn away by the dissolving action of corrective self-criticism--immeasurably aided by the catalysts stirred in by the field's many critics. The activity continues, the dynamic field boils, and the medium enriches itself.

    There appears to be a tendency, particularly among new behavior therapists, to limit their focus too narrowly to the client's systems of overt behavior. In this project, psychological therapy begins with a personal, interactive social situation in which the generally expected human response of interest, sympathy, and support, is the minimum condition. Graziano maintains that these clinical sensitivity skills must be preserved in behavior therapy and enhance its important contribution to advancing the therapeutic endeavor.

    Introduction: Behavior Therapy with Children; I: Value Conflicts: Behavior Modification in Natural Settings; 1: The End of Ideology in Behavior Modification; 2: Social Psychology of Behavior Modification: Problems of Implementation in Natural Settings; 3: Tangible Reinforcers: Bonuses or Bribes?; 4: Parent and Therapist Evaluation of Behavior Therapy in a Child Psychological Clinic; II: Behavioral Approaches to Mental Retardation; 5: Issues in Behavior Modification with Mentally Retarded Persons; 6: Identifying and Modifying Behavioral Deficits; 7: Social Reinforcement of Weight Reduction: A Case Report on an Obese Retarded Adolescent; 8: Use of Punishment Procedures with the Severely Retarded: A Review; 9: Relative Effectiveness of Behavioral and Reflective Group Counseling with Parents of Mentally Retarded Children; III: Modification of Psychotic Behavior; 10: Treatment of Psychotic Children in a Classroom Environment: I. Learning in a Large Group; 11: Naturalistic Treatment of an Autistic Child; 12: Treatment Effects of a Total Behavior Modification Program with Five Autistic Children; IV: Self-Stimulatory Behavior; 13: The Efficacy of Time-out Procedures in a Variety of Behavior Problems; 14: The Elimination of the Self Destructive Behavior of a Psychotic Child: A Case Study; 15: The Elimination of Autistic Self Stimulatory Behavior by Overcorrection; V: Behavioral Approaches to Somatic Systems; 16: The Elimination of Chronic Cough by Response Suppression Shaping; 17: Application of Conditioning Principles to Problems of Tracheostomy Addiction in Children; 18: Dry Pants: A Rapid Method of Toilet Training Children; 19: The Treatment of Childhood Encopresis by Conditioned Gastro-ileal ReHex Training; VI: Reduction of Children’s Fears; 20: Systematic Desensitization, Muscle Relaxation and Visual Imagery in the Counter-Conditioning of a Four-Year-Old Phobic Child; 21: Automated Direct Deconditioning of a Childhood Phobia; 22: Reduction of Children’s Fear of the Dark by Competence-Related and Situational Threat-Related Verbal Cues; Aggressive and Antisocial Behavior; 23: Studies of Behavior Modification and Juvenile Delinquency: A Review, Methodological Critique, and Social Perspective; 24: The Buddy System: Relationship and Contingency Conditions in a Community Intervention Program for Youth with Nonprofessionals as Behavior Change Agents; 25: Achievement Place: Development of the Elected Manager System; 26: Short-term Behavioral Intervention with Delinquent Families: Impact on Family Process and Recidivism; Behavioral Interventions in Schools; 27: Generalization of Operant Classroom Control Procedures; 28: The Modification of Sentence Structure and its Relationship to Subjective Judgments of Creativity in Writing; 29: Relative Efficacy of Modeling, Shaping, and the Combined Procedures for Modification of Social Withdrawal; 30: Eliminating Discipline Problems by Strengthening Academic Performance; Family Systems; 31: Training Parents as Behavior Therapists: A Review; 32: Adverse Effects of Differentia] Parental Attention; 33: Elimination of Bedtime Thumbsucking in Home Settings through Contingent Reading; 34: Modification of Behavior Problems in the Home with a Parent as Observer and Experimenter; 35: Accountability in Psychotherapy: A Test Case; 10: Self-Control; 36: Self-Management Projects with Children with Behavioral Disabilities; 37: Teaching Self-Control to Disruptive Children; 38: Treatment of Insomnia in an Eleven-Year-Old Child Through Self-Relaxation; 39: A Variation of Thought-Stopping in a Twelve-year-old Boy: A Case Report


    Anthony Graziano