1st Edition

Behind The Wall The Story of the Ghetto

By Poul Borchsenius Copyright 1964
    244 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in English in 1964, this volume describes the ghettos which formed medieval enclaves in the cities of Renaissance and post-Renaissance Europe. In their overcrowded quarter where the only protection against disease and epidemics was their own religious rules, the Jews were constantly exposed to violent attack, looting, and arson. Yet despite these conditions, the period of the ghetto was one of the richest eras of Jewish exile. The Bible was read and closely studied, culture and learning flourished and philosophical ideas were discussed and debated. The ghetto gave birth to Spinoza.

    1.The Ghetto 2. Open Doors 3. Excommunicated 4. Safad 5. Italy 6. Germany 7. Poland 8. The Third Temple 9. Destruction 10. A Vision that Faded 11. Narrow Paths 12. Hasidism 13. Living Ruins. 


    Poul Borchsenius was a Danish pastor and author. During the Nazi occupation of Denmark in the Second World War, Borchsenius was an active member of the underground resistance. He escaped to Sweden, where he engaged in welfare work among his Christian fellow-refugees.

    Original reviews of The Son of a Star:

    ‘This well-produced eminently readable translation of a Danish best-seller is well worth reading…informative and entertaining.’ Time and Tide

    ‘The author has a fine narrative gift and is well served by his translator. The style is lively and reads more like a novel than the serious historical work which it is.’ Jewish Chronicle

    ‘Guides the reader wisely through a fascinating period of history and helps him to see all the different elements in their relation to one another.’ The Observer