1st Edition

Best Practice in Corporate Governance Building Reputation and Sustainable Success

By Adrian Davies Copyright 2006
    180 Pages
    by Routledge

    182 Pages
    by Routledge

    An earlier book, A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance (Gower, 1999), examined corporate governance from a philosophical and 'big picture' standpoint. This book digs deeper and explores the operational issues around corporate governance, giving examples of good practice. It is a 'how to' book, which focuses on processes and practical issues, making the case for corporate governance in terms of measurable business benefits and competitive advantage. The author explores a number of key themes: ¢ How corporate governance has expanded in scope and importance worldwide. ¢ How to engage with the wider range of stakeholders whose support is essential for success in a competitive world. ¢ How to distribute power to those who need to use it to perform effectively at all levels in the organisation. ¢ How to encourage the behaviours needed to effect good governance. ¢ How to embed best practice in the daily routine of the organisation. ¢ How to adapt best practice to meet the needs of different organisations. ¢ How effective corporate governance can build sustainable business success. ¢ How corporate governance may evolve to meet the needs of the future. Corporate governance should address the needs of people seeking to cooperate effectively in a shared endeavour. It should be adopted, not imposed and Adrian Davies provides an eloquent and authoritative guide to this process.

    Introduction; Part 1 Organising for Effective Governance; Chapter 1 What is Corporate Governance? Why is it Important?; Chapter 2 Different Approaches to Corporate Governance. How Can Corporate Governance be Made to Work?; Chapter 3 Leadership and Corporate Governance; Chapter 4 Implementing Corporate Governance; Part 2 Different Models of Corporate Governance; Chapter 5 Company Models; Chapter 6 Entrepreneurs and Family Companies; Chapter 7 Reputation and Social/Ecological Responsibility; Chapter 8 Risk and Investment; Chapter 9 The Future of Corporate GovernancePart 3 Appendices BusinessTown.com Gerard International Johnson & Johnsonfnapp4_1 The SPL Corporate Health Check;


    Adrian Davies has extensive experience of industry and commerce in both the private and public sectors, operating latterly at managing director level and as a non-executive director in recent years. He is currently a management consultant, specialising in strategy, marketing and administration, operating both in the UK and internationally. A former Chairman of the Strategic Planning Society and former President of the European Strategic Planning Federation, Adrian is now active in researching corporate governance and teaching it as a Visiting Fellow of Bournemouth University. A graduate of Cambridge University and holder of a Harvard Business School diploma in marketing, Adrian Davies is author of Strategic Leadership (Woodhead Faulkner, 1991), The Strategic Role of Marketing (McGraw Hill, 1995) and A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance (Gower, 1999).

    'Davies provides an excellent introduction and outline of why corporate governance is important and how to implement it. This book is useful for anyone new to corporate governance. It is also an excellent guidebook for leaders who wish to incorporate corporate governance into their companies. It could be used in a business library or academic setting.' Business Information Alert 'The author's deep knowledge of strategic planning is used to create synergy with the introduction and embedding of corporate governance principles (as opposed to rules) within organisations which could aid with integration of corporate governance within the thinking and ethos. These links are used throughout the book with case studies drawn from the private sector ranging from big corporates to entrepreneurs and family run enterprises. Unsurprisingly the enthusiasm for corporate governance is often lacking in the latter although Davies' finds good examples of best practice. He charts a logical route for implementing Corporate Governance, which will always, for some, be a defence mechanism - unless they are like the pertinent examples in the book, leaders with a conviction, even a passion for the subject. This represents a significant addition to the literature on Corporate Governance.' Dr Clive Morton, OBE, Director Board Performance Ltd and Professor of Corporate Governance, Middlesex University Business School. 'This is a first-class book by a first-rate author. Adrian Davies writes on the subject of corporate governance with authority, clarity and readability. The use of contemporary examples and case studies to illustrate and discuss the many aspects and ingredients of this subject is particularly welcome. This is a book that deserves to be read by all those with an interest in raising business standards.' Professor Graham Beaver Editor, The Journal of Strategic Change, Fellow of the Centre for SMEs, Warwick Business School 'Andrew Davies' book is a practical guide to compliance which begins by comparing corporate governance to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Davies argues that corporate governance reforms have led to an increase in rules and box-ticking, but a failure to change attitudes and corporate cultures. It is in the context of examining the human dimensions of corporate governance that Davies book explores the history of governance, of what constituents it is made - stakeholders, directors, government, communities, etc. - and the relationship between them, and the purpose of corporate governance and the different ways it can be achieved. In a field with more than its fair share of verbosity and seemingly wilful attempts to confuse the reader, Davies is refreshingly direct and lucid. He covers an impressive amount of ground in an engaging style, clearly illustrating his points with case studies from the business world, as well as venturing further afield into anthropology, German literature and the Bible. Also of interest is his look at the future of governance, and his pessimistic assertion that: "Greed and fear are the basic motivators of mankind," and, "It seems unlikely that corporate governance will ever change human nature." However, it is in the nature of such books that aspects of what they discuss will be superseded by current events, as in the author's discussion of, and hopes for, the operating and financial review, abolished by the government even before Best Practice in Corporate Governance's publication.' Manifest, March 2006 'Ever wanted to know about corporate governance but were afraid to ask? Well, this book, written by management consultant Adrian Davies, might be your guiding light. ..this book is most welcome in a climate of momentous and continuous change int the business world.' Accounting Technician June 2006 'The book will fill the need of people seeking to cooperate effectively in a shared Endeavour and should be adopted, not imposed and Adrian Davies provides an eloquent and authoritative guide to this process.' Educational Book Review (India)