1st Edition

Black Flags in Vietnam The Story of a Chinese Intervention

By Henry McAleavy Copyright 1968
    312 Pages
    by Routledge

    312 Pages
    by Routledge

    Black Flags in Vietnam (1968) examines nineteenth-century conflict between China, Vietnam and France. For the first thousand years of its history, Vietnam had been an integral part of China, and during subsequent centuries of self-rule had acknowledged Chinese suzerainty. In the 1850s, France, seeking a base for the political and commercial penetration of southern China, occupied Saigon and the Mekong Delta, hoping to navigate the river. This plan failed, and they turned instead to the Red River, which flows from China through northern Vietnam to Hanoi and the sea. China, weakened by years of domestic strife, seemed in no position to protect her vassal. Then, by a strange quirk of fortune, a band of Chinese freebooters, the Black Flags, who had crossed into Vietnam in search of pillage, defeated two French expeditions. In 1884, Peking went to war.

    1. The Birthpangs of Vietnam  2. Martyrs and Mandarins  3. ‘With opium in one hand…’  4. The First French Offensive  5. The French Explore  6. The Black Flags  7. Jean Dupuis  8. Francis Garnier  9. China – Divided Counsels  10. Halliday Macartney and the Marquis Tseng  11. China’s Suzerainty Challenged  12. Henri Rivière – Tragedy Repeated  13. Hue Capitulates  14. The Rage of Liu Yung-fu  15. Peace or War?  16. France: the Day of Glory  17. Formosa and Tongking  18. Catastrophe  19. The Aftermath


    Henry McAleavy