1st Edition

Black Sunrise The Life and Times of Mulai Ismail, Emperor of Morocco (1646-1727)

By Wilfrid Blunt Copyright 1951

    First published in 1951 Black Sunrise deals with the life and times of Mulai Ismail, Emperor of Morocco (1646-1727). From the accounts of ambassadors, missionaries, Moorish historians the author presents a readable, accurate picture of a fascinating figure whose reign marked a high watermark for Moroccan power. The book deals with themes like advent of Ismail; Morocco in the seventeenth century; Ismail the builder; civil war; Ismail the zealot; war with Spain; Ismail the butcher; failure of Saint-Olon; and death of Mulai Ismail. This book is an interesting read for students of African history, Moroccan history and history in general.

    Preface Table of Dates 1. Id-Al-Kabir 2. Al-Rashid 3. The Advent of Ismail 4. Morocco in the Seventeenth Century 5. Civil War 6. Ismail the Builder 7. Pirates and Slaves 8. Ismail at Mequinez 9. Favourites 10. The Bid for Freedom 11. By the Waters of Babylon 12. Father Busnot 13. Pestilence and Sword 14. Ismail the Zealot 15. Don Balthazar: A Digression 16. Tangier 17. Four Ambassadors 18. War with Spain 19. The Failure of Saint-Olon 20. Beauty and the Beast 21. Ismail the Butcher 22. Ambassador and Slave 23. The Death of Mulai Ismail Glossary Bibliography Index


    Wilfrid Blunt