1st Edition

Black Women in Politics Identity, Power, and Justice in the New Millennium

Edited By Michael Mitchell Copyright 2014
    212 Pages
    by Routledge

    212 Pages
    by Routledge

    The research included in this volume examines the competing pressures felt by black women as political agents in the domains of elections, public policy, and social activism. Their challenges and initiatives are explored in public spaces, institutional behaviours, and public policy.

    The volume features cutting-edge research exploring black women's political engagement. The first group of contributors interrogates the treatment of black women within the discipline of political science. The second group examines the relationship between cultural politics and policymaking. The third and final group outlines the politics of race-gendered identity and black feminist practice.

    Black Women in Politics includes chapters on black leadership, radical versus moderate politics in New Orleans, and the Shelby vs. Holder Supreme Court decision. The editors introduce a new series highlighting trends in black politics. Finally, the work notes the passing of William (Nick) Nelson and Hanes Walton, Jr., prominent members of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists.

    Editors' Note

    Guest Editors' Note

    Special Issue Articles

    Why Political Scientists Don't Study Black Women, But Historians and Sociologists Do: On Intersectionality and the Remapping of the Study of Black Political Women Nikol

    "I Ain't Your Darn Help": Black Women as the Help in Intersectionality Research in Political Science
    Julia S. Jordan-Zachery

    (Black) Papa Knows Best: Marion Barry and the Appeal to Black Authoritarian Discourse
    Rosemary Ndubuizu

    "Talking" about Gender While Ignoring Race and Class: A Discourse Analysis of Pay Equity Debates
    Julia S. Jordan-Zachery and Salida Wilson

    Influencing the Political Agenda from the Outside: A Comparative Study of Hausa Women's NGOs and CBOs in Kano, Nigeria
    Adryan Wallace

    Black Women's Pathways to the Statehouse: The Impact of Race/Gender Identities
    Nadia E. Brown

    Taking to the Airwaves: Using Content Analyses of Survey Toplines and Filmographies to Test the "Michelle Obama Image Transformation" (MOIT) Hypothesis
    Ray Block Jr. and Christina S. Haynes

    Research Article: Black Urban Leadership

    Black Mayoral Leadership in New Orleans: Minority Incorporation Revisited
    Stefanie Chambers and William E. Nelson, Jr.

    Current Issue Analysis: The Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder Decision

    Reflections on Shelby v. Holder
    Christina Rivers


    Black Women State Legislators—Electoral Trend Data 1995–2011
    B. D'Andra Orey and Nadia E. Brown

    Book Reviews

    Book Reviews: Special Issue on Black Women in Politics
    Tiffany Willoughby-Herard

    Swarns, Rachel L. American Tapestry: The Story of the Black, White, and Multiracial Ancestors of Michelle Obama,
    reviewed by Wendy G. Smooth

    Foster, Frances Smith, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, and Stanlie M. James, eds. Still Brave: The Evolution of Black Women's Studies,
    reviewed by Brittany Lewis

    Blackwell, Maylei. !Chicana Power! Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement,
    reviewed by T. Jackie Cuevas

    Tucker-Worgs, Tamelyn. The Black Megachurch: Theology, Gender, and the Politics of Public Engagement,
    reviewed by Stephanie Y. Mitchem

    Harris-Perry, Melissa. Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America (For Colored Girls Who've Considered Politics When Being Strong Isn't Enough),
    reviewed by Nadia E. Brown

    McKittrick, Katherine. Demonic Grounds: Black Women and the Cartographies of Struggle,
    reviewed by Zenzele Isoke

    Nealy, Lisa Nikol. African American Women Voters: Racializing Religiosity, Political Consciousness, and Progressive Political Action in U.S. Presidential Elections from 1964 through 2008,
    reviewed by Hanes Walton, Jr .

    Levi, Robin, and Ayelet Waldman, eds. Inside This Place, Not of It: Narratives from Women's Prisons , Foreword by Michelle Alexander; Richie, Beth E. Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation ; Shigematsu, Setsu, Cameron Granadino, and Jolie Chea. Visions of Abolition: From Critical Resistance to a New Way of Life ,
    reviewed by Ofelia Cuevas

    Moore, Mignon R. Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships, and Motherhood among Black Women,
    reviewed by E. Patrick Johnson

    Clay, Andreana. The Hip-Hop Generation Fights Back: Youth, Activism, and Post-Civil Rights Politics,
    reviewed by H. L. T. Quan

    Cohen, Cathy. Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future of American Politics,
    reviewed by Melina Abdullah

    The Editors: A Note on Passing: William (Nick) Nelson and Hanes Walton, Jr.

    Invitation to the Scholarly Community


    Michael Mitchell