1st Edition

Block Printing & Book Illustration in Japan

By Louise Norton Brown Copyright 1924
    280 Pages
    by Routledge

    Block Printing & Book Illustration in Japan (1924) was one of the first guides to Japanese illustration, and remains indispensable to this day. The author travelled widely in Japan, persuading Japanese collectors to open their archives to her for study, and here compiles a wealth of unique research.

    1. Early Printing and Engraving in Japan  2. Illustrated Books of the Seventeenth Century  3. Moronobu, Itchō, Kōrin and their Followers  4. Ōsaka as an Art and Publishing Centre  5. The Impressionists: the Shijō and Maruyama Schools  6. The Impressionists: the Ganku and the Chinese Schools  7. Ukiyo-ye Illustrators of the Nishikawa, Okumura, Torii and Nishimura Groups  8. Ukiyo-ye Illustrators of the Utagawa, Katsugawa and Kitagawa Schools  9. Late Ukiyo-ye Illustrators  10. Modern Illustrators of Japan  11. Miscellaneous Books  12. Suggestions to Collectors


    Louise Norton Brown