1st Edition

Bringing Normativity into Critical Terrorism Studies

Edited By Alice Martini Copyright 2021
    162 Pages
    by Routledge

    162 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book explores and inquiries into the interrelation between normativity and Critical Terrorism Studies (CTS) from a wide range of critical views.

    The volume draws together authors with very different positions and understandings of normativity and policy-implementations in relation to countering terrorism, to offer the reader a wide range of perspectives and views on this topic. As such, the book is aimed at interrogating the concept of normativity in CTS from a wide range of theoretical angles but also at incorporating within the CTS’ agenda new debates and critiques. In its chapters, the book covers debates that go from more philosophical, theoretical, and ethical discussions to questions revolving around the importance and need of being policy-relevant for CTS scholars. All in all, this volume brings together chapters joining the debate on CTS’ main theoretical tenants and the role of critical scholars in counter-terrorism and prevention policies. Covering a broad spectrum of approaches and perspectives, authors in this book give different answers to central questions such as: how can we rethink CTS? What is the role of the critical terrorism studies community in countering terrorism?

    The chapters in this book were originally published in the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism.

    Introduction: Rethinking terrorism and countering terrorism from a critical perspective. CTS and normativity.

    Alice Martini

    1. The human faces of terror: reflections in a cracked looking-glass

    Ken Booth

    2. Make Hegel great again: On Hegel’s epistemological contribution to critical terrorism studies

    Athanasios Gkoutzioulis

    3. The end of emancipation? CTS and normativity

    Sondre Lindahl

    4. Re-visioning the "Eye in the Sky": targeted drone strikes and an ethics of the encounter

    Matthew Robson

    5. CTS and normativity: the essentials of preemptive counter-terrorism interventions

    Tom Pettinger

    6. Being resilient to radicalisation in PVE policy: a critical examination

    William Stephens and Stijn Sieckelinck

    7. Experiencing the war "of" terror: A call to the critical terrorism studies community

    Asim Qureshi


    Alice Martini is Associate Professor of International Security at Comillas Pontifical University, Spain. She co-convenes the BISA Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group. Her research interests involve the international legitimisation of countering terrorism and extremism policies and global prevention practices. She is the author of The UN and counter-terrorism (Routledge, 2021).