1st Edition

Britain's Army in India From its Origins to the Conquest of Bengal

By James P. Lawford Copyright 1978
    344 Pages
    by Routledge

    344 Pages
    by Routledge

    Britain’s Army in India (1978) tells how a joint stock company, the Honourable East India Company, came to organise a private army and lay the foundations for the establishment of the British Empire in India. From its origins as warehouse guards, through its struggles against the Dutch and the Portuguese, and its rivalry with the French, the decay of the Moghul Empire, this book examines the Company and its army up to the battle of Buxar in 1764, which established the force as the leading military power in India.

    1. Origins  2. The Company Expands  3. Peaceful Traders, 1690–1745  4. Anglo–French Rivalry in the Carnatic  5. Dupleix’s Great Design  6. The War in the Carnatic – the Opening Stages  7. The First Battle for Trichinopoly  8. The Alliance Breaks Up  9. The Second Battle of Trichinopoly  10. Peace and a Catastrophe in Bengal  11. The Recovery of Calcutta  12. The Destruction of Siraj-ud-daula  13. The French Strike in the Carnatic  14. The Conquest of the Northern Circars  15. The Campaign in the Carnatic, 1759–60, and the Battle of Wandewash  16. The Second Siege of Pondicherry  17. The Rebellion in the South  18. Bombay; the Consolidation of British Power in Bengal; the Battle of Buxar


    James P. Lawford