1st Edition

British Honduras Past and Present

By Stephen L. Caiger Copyright 1951
    244 Pages
    by Routledge

    244 Pages
    by Routledge

    British Honduras (1951) examines this most neglected of the British colonies, from the early days of settlement by the logwood-cutters and buccaneers up to the post-war period. It examines the first occupation by British adventurers, consolidation by buccaneers and the early quarrels with the Spanish, up to the more recent disputes with neighbouring Central American republics. It ends with an analysis of the modern colony, its economic and commercial status and proposals for development by the British government.

    1. A Legacy of the Buccaneers  2. Captain Wallace  3. The Buccaneers Turn Honest  4. The British Logwood Settlements  5. The Baymen of Belize  6. Spanish Aggression  7. The Navy to the Rescue  8. The Battle of Belize  9. The Mosquito Shore  10. Belize Becomes a Colony  11. From Heyday to Hard Times  12. Between the Wars  13. British Honduras Today – and Tomorrow  14. The Controversy with Guatemala  15. Devaluation and Federation


    Stephen L. Caiger