1st Edition

British It-Narratives, 1750–1830, Volume 4

    438 Pages
    by Routledge

    It-narratives are prose fictions that take as their central characters animals or inanimate objects. This four-volume reset collection includes numerous examples of narratives in different forms, including short stories, excerpts from novels, periodical fiction and serialized works.

    Volume 4 Toys, Trifles and Portable Furniture Introduction The Genuine and Most Surprizing Adventures of a Very Unfortunate Goose-Quill (1751) ‘Adventures of a Quire of Paper’, London Magazine (1779) Theophilus Johnson, Phantoms; or, The Adventures of a Gold-Headed Cane (1783) [Mary Ann Kilner], The Adventures of a Pincushion ([c. 1784]) It-Narratives from the Rambler’s Magazine ‘The Adventures of a Gold-Ring’, Rambler’s Magazine (1783) ‘The History and Adventures of a Bedsted’, Rambler’s Magazine (1784) ‘The Adventures of the Rambler’s Magazine’, Rambler’s Magazine (1785) The Adventures of a Whipping-Top ([c. 1786]) The Adventures of a Watch! (1788) ‘Adventures of a Mirror’, Lady’s Magazine (1791) The Adventures of a Pin ([c. 1796]) [Eliza Andrews], The History of a Pin (1798) [Charlotte Palmer], The Silver Thimble (1799) ‘The Adventures of a Pen’, European Magazine and London Review (1806) Mary Mister, The Adventures of a Doll (1816) [Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson], The Adventures of a Bible (1821) Transformation of a Beech Tree (1828) Explanatory Notes, Textual Notes Index


    Mark Blackwell, Liz Bellamy, Christina Lupton, Heathe Keenleyside