1st Edition

British Servants - A Collection of Early Guides and Companions

Edited By Akio Kobayashi Copyright 2007
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    This five-volume set offers a collection of thirteen guides and companions written for British servants in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The chronologically balanced selection provides a historical perspective on the changes of the roles of servants and their position in British society.

    Volume I: The Compleat Court-keeper: or, Land Steward's Assistant. Containing, First, the Nature of Courts-leets and Courts-baron. Volume II: A Present for Servants, from their Ministers, Masters, or other Friends. The Footman’s Friendly Advice to his Brethren of the Livery; and to all Servants in General. The Complete Man and Maid Servant: Containing, Plain and Easy Instructions for Servants of Both Sexes. Johnson’s Present: or, Every Young Woman’s Companion, in Useful and Universal Knowledge. A Present for Servants: Containing Several Useful Articles of Information, for Persons in Dependant Stations of Life; as I.  Laws Relating to Servants and Labourers. The Complete Servant Maid. The Servant’s Friend; or, the Master and Mistresses Best Gift to their Servants, Apprentices, and Workmen. Volume III: The Experienced English Housekeeper, for the Use and Ease of Ladies, Housekeepers, Cooks. Written Purely from Practice; Domestic Management, or the Art of Conducting a Family; with Instructions to Servants in General. Addressed to Young Housekeepers. Volume IV: The Complete Servant; being a Practical Guide to the Peculiar Duties and Business of all Descriptions of Servants. Volume V: The Servants' Guide and Family Manual: With New and Improved Receipts, Arranged and Adapted to the Duties of all Classes of Servants. The Servants Practical Guide: A Handbook of Duties and Rules.


    Edited by Akio Kobayashi, Sophia University, Tokyo