1st Edition

British Socialist Fiction, 1884–1914, Volume 3

By Deborah Mutch Copyright 2014
    480 Pages
    by Routledge

    Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance.

    Volume 3 1901–1906 Introduction Clarion Alex M. Thompson, ‘The Labyrinth. A Caution to Husbands: a Warning to Wives’ (1902) R. B. Suthers, ‘The Adventures of a Drop of Water’ (1903) ‘By the Author of “Arthur’s”’ [A. Neil Lyons], ‘Little Pictures of the Night’ (1903–4) Harry Beswick, ‘Brother Eli on Tramps’ (1904) Robert Blatchford, ‘Dismal Dan’s Story. “The Only Chance He Ever Gave.”’ (1905) A. Neil Lyons, ‘A Distressed Gentlewoman. A True History’ (1906) Justice Joseph Grose, ‘The Golden Egg’ (1901) R. B. Cunninghame Graham, ‘A Fisherman’ (1902) J. W. B., ‘Men and Things’ (1904) Anon., ‘The “Smart Set”’ (1905) Labour Leader Hugo, ‘The Blackleg, an Agitator’s Yarn’ (1901) Anon., ‘The Marchioness’ (1902) Frank Starr, ‘The Doll Shop’ (1903) I. O. Ford, ‘Aunt Caroline’s Christmas Eve’ (1904) Fred Plant, ‘Our Story. “The Far Land.” (A Fragment of Fact.)’ (1905) J. Bruce Glasier, ‘Andrew Carnegie’s Ghost. A Red-Letter Day at Skibo Castle. A Christmas Story’ (1906) Social Democrat Maxime Görki, ‘On the Steppes. Told by a Tramp’, trans. Emily Jakowlef and Dora B. Montef ore (1901) Anatole France, ‘Crainquebille’, trans. Jacques Bonhomme (1902) M. Winchevsky, ‘He, She, and It’ (1906) Teddy Ashton’s Northern Weekly Charles Allen Clarke, ‘The Cotton Panic’ (1900–1) Teddy Ashton, ‘Bill Spriggs an Bet: T eir Matrimony an their Marlocks. Bet Turns Bill Eaut’ (1901) Frank Starr, ‘An Unpremeditated Crime’ (1902) E. Whittaker, ‘When Death Crossed the Threshold’ (1903) Alfred H. Pearce, ‘An Angel of Humanity’ (1904) Teddy Ashton, ‘T ’ Female Fister’ (1905) Harford Willson, ‘The Scarlet Shoes. (The Story of a Serio-comic Walking Tour and its Tragic End.)’ (1906) Editorial Notes Silent Corrections


    Deborah Mutch