1st Edition

Business Cycle Theory, Part I Volume 4 Selected Texts, 1860-1939

By Harald Hagemann Copyright 2002
    394 Pages
    by Routledge

    In the mid-19th century, the business cycle was increasingly recognized as a recurrent phenomenon. This edition contains key texts from the range of literature in the field. It covers many Anglo-Saxon writers as well as contributions from the French, German, Italian, Russian and Swedish debates.

    VOLUME IV Equilibrium and the Business Cycle: Introduction Adolf Löwe, ‘How is Business Cycle Theory Possible at All?’ Friedrich August von Hayek, ‘The Problem of the Trade Cycle’ Eugen Slutzky, ‘The Summation of Random Causes as the Source of Cyclic Processes’ Simon Kuznets, ‘Equilibrium Economics and Business-Cycle Theory’ Erik Lundberg, ‘On the Concept of Economic Equilibrium’ Friedrich A. Lutz, extract from The Problem of Business Cycles in Economics Gustavo Del Vecchio, ‘On the Economic Theory of Crises’ J. R. Hicks, ‘Equilibrium and the Trade Cycle’ Ragnar Frisch, ‘Propagation Problems and Impulse Problems in Dynamic Economics’ Oskar Morgenstern, ‘Perfect Foresight and Economic Equilibrium’


    Edited by Harald Hagemann