1st Edition

Business Cycle Theory, Part II Volume 8 Selected Texts, 1860-1939

By Mauro Boianovsky Copyright 2005
    460 Pages
    by Routledge

    In the mid-nineteenth century the business cycle was increasingly recognised as a recurrent phenomenon. This edition contains key texts from the range of literature in the field.

    Introduction, Vilfredo Pareto, ‘Economic Crises’, extract from Cours D’Économie Politique, Henry L. Moore, extract from Economic Cycles: Their Law and Cause, C. Bullock, W. Persons and W. Crum, ‘The Construction and Interpretation of the Harvard Index of Business Conditions’, Jan Tinbergen, ‘Business Cycle Research and the Calculus of Variation’, Jan Tinbergen, ‘Determination and Interpretation of Supply Curves: An Example’, Jan Tinbergen, ‘A Shipbuilding Cycle?’, Ragnar Frisch, ‘A Method of Decomposing an Empirical Series into Its Cyclical and Progressive Components’, Ragnar Frisch, ‘Review of J. Åkerman´s Om det Ekonomiska Livets Rytmik’, Luigi Amoroso, ‘A Contribution to the Mathematical Theory of Economic Dynamics’, Jan Tinbergen, extract from ‘The Notion of Horizon and Expectancy in Dynamic Economic Theory’, Michal Kalecki, extract from ‘Essay on the Business Cycle Theory’, Wesley C. Mitchell, ‘Business Cycles’, Michal Kalecki, ‘A Macrodynamic Theory of Business Cycles’, Jan Tinbergen, ‘Annual Survey: Suggestions on Quantitative Business Cycle Theory’, Jan Tinbergen, ‘An Economic Policy for 1936’


    Edited by Mauro Boianovsky