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Capitalism, Power and the Imperial State

About the Series

In an increasingly turbulent political landscape, this series addresses disputed theoretical and conceptual issues within the realms of political sociology and political economy, to evaluate the shifting dynamics of global power in the modern age. With attention to the ever-changing contours of economic and political world power, Capitalism, Power and the Imperial State invites contributions from scholars looking to advance the debate between theorists of globalization and advocates of class analysis and imperialism, as well as those interested in unpacking the economic configurations of power. Focusing on how power affects, and is affected by, both the higher and lower ranks of society, it seeks to investigate the relationship between the capitalist state and imperial power, the rise of emerging regional rivalries, and polarization within the imperial state between sectors of the ‘deep state’ and the regime. A timely and important opportunity to review the ongoing crisis of the capitalist state, and to evaluate the social and political factors that influence the balance of global power in the twenty-first century, this series invites research which pays attention to the impact of the class struggle on global alignments of power, and the impact of such power on the global class war between capital and labour.

4 Series Titles

Per Page

China on the Rise The Transformation of Structural Power in the Era of Multipolarity

China on the Rise: The Transformation of Structural Power in the Era of Multipolarity

1st Edition


By Efe Can Gürcan, Can Donduran
July 23, 2024

This book analyses China’s multidimensional rise in the context of the international political economy, drawing on Susan Strange’s concept of "structural power." Examining the sources of Chinese power along with its geopolitical, economic, and cultural reflections, the authors consider how China’s ...

Imperialism after the Neoliberal Turn

Imperialism after the Neoliberal Turn

1st Edition

By Efe Can Gürcan
September 25, 2023

This book explores how imperialism has been evolving in the neoliberal era, with the aim of providing a systematic and integrative understanding of the inner dynamics and vulnerabilities of the contemporary imperialist system. Asking how it has been possible to sustain an imperialist system that ...

Caribbean Development in the New Multipolar World Order

Caribbean Development in the New Multipolar World Order

1st Edition

By Dennis C. Canterbury
May 31, 2023

This book addresses the subject of critical development alternatives for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) states in a post-neoliberal, new multipolar world order based on competition and co-operation by the United States, the European Union, China, and Russia for natural resources and markets. ...

Latin America in the Vortex of Social Change Development and Resistance Dynamics

Latin America in the Vortex of Social Change: Development and Resistance Dynamics

1st Edition

By Henry Veltmeyer, James Petras
April 11, 2019

This book explores the dynamics of the recent ‘progressive cycle’ in Latin American politics, associated with a red and pink tide of regime change. With this cycle of centre-left regimes oriented towards an alternative post-neoliberal form of development now coming to an end, coinciding with the ...

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