1st Edition

Censorship and the Press, 1580-1720, Volume 4

    422 Pages
    by Routledge

    Helps scholars to examine historical press censorship in England. This title draws together around 500 texts, reaching across 140 years from the rigours of the Elizabethan Star Chamber Decree to the publication of "Cato's Letters", which famously advanced principles of free speech.

    Introduction, Further Reading, Government and Press Control in 1696, The Battle over Blasphemous Books, Press Unfreedom as ‘Priestcraft’, Press Freedom as Religious Toleration in Excess, The Mischiefs of a Licentious Press, News and Seditious Libel, Politics, Religion and Regulation, 1699 -1704, The Case of the Memorial, Tindal and Le Clerc under Fire, Further Thoughts on Press Freedom, Tory Thoughts on Whig Censorship, Silencing Jacobitism, Postscript: Disagreement, Discussion and Liberty o f the Press, Editorial Notes, Index


    Geoff Kemp, Jason McElligott, Cyndia Susan, James Raven