1st Edition

Changing Borders in Europe Exploring the Dynamics of Integration, Differentiation and Self-Determination in the European Union

    280 Pages 17 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    280 Pages 17 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Changing Borders in Europe focuses on the territorial dimension of the European Union. It examines the transformation of state sovereignty within the EU, the emergence of varied self-determination claims, and the existence of a tailor-made architecture of functional borders, established by multiple agreements.

    This book helps to understand how self-determination pressures within the EU are creating growing concerns about member states’ identity, redefining multi-level government in the European space. It addresses several questions regarding two transformative processes – blurring of EU borders and state sovereignty shifts - and their interrelations from different disciplinary perspectives such as political science, law, political economy and sociology. In addition, it explores how the variable geographies of European borders may affect the issue of national self-determination in Europe, opening spaces for potential accommodations that could be compatible with existing states and legal frameworks.

    This book will be of key interest for scholars, students and practitioners of EU politics, public administration, political theory, federalism and more broadly of European studies, international law, ethnic studies, political economy and the wider social sciences.

    1. States, Sovereignty, Borders and Self-determination in Europe [Michael Keating, Jacint Jordana, Axel Marx and Jan Wouters]

    Part I: Blurring of EU Borders across Member States

    2. Differentiation and Self-determination in European Integration [Frank Schimmelfennig]

    3. The European Multilevel Party System: Moving Towards Unity or Diversity? [Arjan Schakel]

    4. Stability in Political Unions: Inequality, Borders and Welfare [Pablo Beramendi]

    5. Secessionism Revisited: Unequal Market Insertion and its Relevance for the Analysis of Brexit [Juan Díez Medrano]

    6. Self-determination Constellations: Sub-state Regions and Citizenship in Europe [Dejan Stjepanovic]

    7. Identity, Territory and Self-determination in Transborder Regions of Eastern and Central Europe [Erika Harris]

    Part II: National Self-determination with EU Member States

    8. The European Union and the Recognition of States [Jessica Almqvist]

    9. Democracy and Borders: External and Internal Secession in the European Union [Ferran Requejo and Klaus-Jürgen Nagel]

    10. Teleological and Reflexive Nationalism in the New Europe [Neil Walker]

    11. National State Foreign Policy and Regional External Action: An Uneasy Relationship [Caterina García Segura and John Etherington]

    12. Secession and the Limits of Democratic Decision-Making [Jure Vidmar]

    13. Referendums in the United Kingdom and the European Union: Challenging Federalism? [Stephen Tierney]

    14. Territory, Boundaries and Collective Self-determination [Margaret Moore]

    Part III: Conclusions

    15. Self-determination and the Reconfiguration of the Nation-state in Europe [Jacint Jordana, Adam Holesch, Michael Keating, Axel Marx and Jan Wouters]


    Jacint Jordana is Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Director of the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Spain.

    Michael Keating is Professor of Politics at the University of Aberdeen and Director of the Centre on Constitutional Change, UK.

    Axel Marx is Deputy Director of the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, Belgium.

    Jan Wouters is Professor of International Law and International Organizations at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, Belgium.