1st Edition

Child-Centred Attachment Therapy The CcAT Programme

By Alexandra Raicar Copyright 2009
    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book describes the development of the Child-Centred Attachment Therapy (CcAT) model of working with children with attachment difficulties. The authors describe, in a vivid and accessible manner, the complexities involved in supporting parents in their struggles to respond positively to the needs of children who have been traumatised by their early experiences. After many years of working with a number of families with children who act out their hurt through difficult behaviours, the authors offer their insights to help both parents and professionals to understand and deal more effectively with such behaviours. The CcAT therapists give an impressive account of their belief in a therapeutic approach that focuses on attachment and protection as prerequisites for promoting healthy relationships.

    About Child-Centred Attachment Therapy -- Preface -- Calling Home -- The long-term impact of attachment difficulties on families -- Background to the development of CcAT: a programme for fostering mutual attachment between child and carer -- From theory to practice: CcAT as a “working model” -- Phase 2 of the CcAT programme (1996). Brief evaluation of the pilot project: our learning from adoptive families -- Phase 3 of the project (1997–2007) -- Re-evaluating CcAT: its potential in child protection work -- CcAT therapists' learning and users' perspectives; professionals' perspectives -- A future for CcAT: spreading the word among professionals -- Overall learning from CcAT: who can benefit -- Epilogue -- CcAT: child's attachment behaviours -- CcAT parent's attachment questionnaire -- Life story work and life story books -- Structure of CcAT Programme -- CcAT work with carers -- Child-centred attachment work -- Ascertaining the wishes and feelings of children


    Alexandra Raicar