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Chinese Worlds

About the Series

Chinese Worlds publishes high-quality scholarship, research monographs, and source collections on Chinese history and society. 'Worlds' signals the diversity of China, the cycles of unity and division through which China's modern history has passed, and recent research trends toward regional studies and local issues. It also signals that Chineseness is not contained within borders - ethnic migrant communities overseas are also 'Chinese worlds.'

35 Series Titles

Per Page

The Kremlin's Chinese Advance Guard Chinese Students in Soviet Russia, 1917-1940

The Kremlin's Chinese Advance Guard: Chinese Students in Soviet Russia, 1917-1940

1st Edition

By Daria Arincheva, Alexander Pantsov
April 21, 2023

This book is a comprehensive historical study of the Bolshevik system of ideological and political indoctrination of a substantial number of Chinese revolutionaries, who studied in Comintern international institutions in Soviet Russia from the October Revolution of 1917 to the Great Terror of the ...

Chinas Unlimited Making the Imaginaries of China and Chineseness

Chinas Unlimited: Making the Imaginaries of China and Chineseness

1st Edition

By Gregory B. Lee
November 07, 2002

A socio-cultural study of the historical representation of China and Chineseness over the past hundred years or so, much of this book discusses the Orientalizing and crude racist ideologies that have formed the foundations of the way people in the west, both popularly and scientifically, have ...

A Road Is Made Communism in Shanghai 1920-1927

A Road Is Made: Communism in Shanghai 1920-1927

1st Edition

By Steve Smith
December 18, 2020

This is a study of the activities, ideas and internal life of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai during its formative period. It investigates the party's relations to the city's students and teachers, women, entrepreneurs, secret societies and its workers, and examines the efforts to transform...

The Literary Field of Twentieth Century China

The Literary Field of Twentieth Century China

1st Edition

By Michel Hockx
May 15, 2019

At least since the late nineteenth century onwards, Chinese literature as a form of cultural production has been taking place within a specific social space, including writers, critics, journalists, editors, publishers, printers and booksellers. Focusing on people as well as on texts, and looking ...

New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions, and Everyday Diversity

New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand: Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions, and Everyday Diversity

1st Edition

By Bingyu Wang
July 26, 2018

There are growing waves of ‘desirable’ migrants from Asia moving to New Zealand, a place experiencing increasing ethnic diversity, particularly in its largest metropolitan region Auckland. In purely demographic terms much of this diversity has been generated by policy shifts since the 1980s and the...

The Qiaopi Trade and Transnational Networks in the Chinese Diaspora

The Qiaopi Trade and Transnational Networks in the Chinese Diaspora

1st Edition

Edited By Gregor Benton, Hong Liu, Huimei Zhang
April 26, 2018

Originating in the 1820s and used for 150 years thereafter, qiaopi is the name given in Chinese to letters written home by Chinese emigrants to accompany remittances. Their key function was to preserve family ties. Although such correspondence focused principally on the provision of economic ...

Chinese Student Migration and Selective Citizenship Mobility, Community and Identity Between China and the United States

Chinese Student Migration and Selective Citizenship: Mobility, Community and Identity Between China and the United States

1st Edition

By Lisong Liu
June 30, 2017

Since China began its open-door and reform policies in 1978, more than three million Chinese students have migrated to study abroad, and the United States has been their top destination. The recent surge of students following this pattern, along with the rising tide of Chinese middle- and ...

Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurship in Malaysia On Contextualisation in International Business Studies

Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurship in Malaysia: On Contextualisation in International Business Studies

1st Edition

By Michael Jakobsen
May 25, 2017

The study of ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia has a long tradition. What is most striking in these studies is just how difficult it is to generalise about this ethnic group in the region. Whether or not they have been able to identify as Chinese has to a certain extend depended on different ...

Birth Control in China 1949-2000 Population Policy and Demographic Development

Birth Control in China 1949-2000: Population Policy and Demographic Development

1st Edition

By Thomas Scharping
December 06, 2002

This comprehensive volume analyzes Chinese birth policies and population developments from the founding of the People's Republic to the 2000 census. The main emphasis is on China's 'Hardship Number One Under Heaven': the highly controversial one-child campaign, and the violent clash between family ...

The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution 1919-1927

The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution 1919-1927

1st Edition

By Alexander Pantsov
July 12, 2016

Based mainly on unknown Russian archival sources which have previously been unobtainable, this book analyses the Bolshevik concepts of the Chinese revolution and their reception in China. Issues include the role of the three Bolshevik leaders, Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky in trying to lead the ...

Paradoxes of Labour Reform Chinese Labour Theory and Practice from Socialism to Market

Paradoxes of Labour Reform: Chinese Labour Theory and Practice from Socialism to Market

1st Edition

By Luigi Tomba
June 03, 2016

Labour reform is only one component of the larger process of reforming economy and society experienced by China over the last three decades. This book uses historical analytical tools in order to shed light on how policymaking takes place in contemporary China: an experimental and self-fulfilling ...

Diasporic Chinese Ventures The Life and Work of Wang Gungwu

Diasporic Chinese Ventures: The Life and Work of Wang Gungwu

1st Edition

Edited By Gregor Benton, Hong Liu
May 31, 2016

This collection of essays by and about Wang Gungwu brings together some of Wang's most recent and representative writing about the ethnic Chinese outside China giving the reader a deeper understanding of his views on migration, identity, nationalism and culture, all key issues in modern Asia's ...

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