1st Edition

Classical Persian Literature

By A.J Arberry Copyright 1995
    464 Pages
    by Routledge

    464 Pages
    by Routledge

    Reprint of a classic text, this volume gives an insight into the rebirth of national literature in the national language and traces the course of its development and full maturity from the beginning of the ninth to the end of the fifteenth century.

    I. Introduction, II. From the Beginnings to Firdaus!, III. The Ghaznavids and Early Saljuqs, IV. The Middle Saljuqs, V. Five Saljuq Poets, VI. Some Historians of the Thirteenth Century, VII. Medieval Persian Fiction, VIII. Sadi of Shiraz, IX. Rumi, X. Minor Thirteenth-Century Authors, XI. The Mongol Aftermath, XII. Some Fourteenth-Century Poets, XIII. Hafiz, XIV. Timurid Historians, XV. Fifteenth-Century Poets, XVI. Jami, BIBLIOGRAPHY, INDEX


    A.J Arberry